cannot process audio files

I'm running a fresh install of mediagoblin 0.12.0 on arch linux, and when trying to process a flac file the following traceback occurs:

Sep 18 21:50:42 lpublic celery[1270072]: 2021-09-18 21:50:42,995 INFO    [celery.worker.strategy] Received task: process_media[e7c6d588-684e-4b04-b639-e815d3611190]
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]: 2021-09-18 21:50:43,480 WARNING [mediagoblin.processing] No idea what happened here, but it failed: ProcessingManagerDoesNotExist('A processing manager does not exist for mediagoblin.media_types.audio')
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]: 2021-09-18 21:50:43,550 ERROR   [celery.app.trace] Task process_media[e7c6d588-684e-4b04-b639-e815d3611190] raised unexpected: ProcessingManagerDoesNotExist('A processing manager does not exist for mediagoblin.media_types.audio')
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:   File /storage/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/lib/python3.9/site-packages/celery-4.2.2-py3.9.egg/celery/app/trace.py, line 382, in trace_task
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:     R = retval = fun(*args, **kwargs)
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:   File /storage/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/lib/python3.9/site-packages/celery-4.2.2-py3.9.egg/celery/app/trace.py, line 641, in __protected_call__
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:     return self.run(*args, **kwargs)
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:   File /storage/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/processing/task.py, line 89, in run
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:     entry, manager = get_entry_and_processing_manager(media_id)
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:   File /storage/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/processing/__init__.py, line 307, in get_entry_and_processing_manager
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:     manager = get_processing_manager_for_type(entry.media_type)
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:   File /storage/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/processing/__init__.py, line 290, in get_processing_manager_for_type
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]:     raise ProcessingManagerDoesNotExist(
Sep 18 21:50:43 lpublic celery[1270106]: mediagoblin.processing.ProcessingManagerDoesNotExist: A processing manager does not exist for mediagoblin.media_types.audio

I tried with a video but was unable to upload due to non mg related issues, and I uploaded an image and it just vanished. It doesn't appear in the media processing panel at all. Will look into this further.

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3 years ago
1 year, 10 months ago
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~sturm 3 years ago*

Thanks lilmike! If you start your separate celery instance, does the image then get successfully processed? I suspect the fact that it's vanishing is poor UI, not necessarily a bug (https://issues.mediagoblin.org/ticket/5564).

~lilmike 3 years ago

Looks like video and images work just fine. -Michael.

-- Sorry about the test, it's just a me thing. Michael Taboada, Creator of Games. Does that make me a god, well, sorta. My pgp key: 79BC390E8864CD71305D4DD606CD2197A6EE5ED7 My website: https://michaels.world 2MB website: https://2mb.games Don't believe everything you read on the internet. I might not be real, you might not be real, and this email certainly isn't real. Sent from my old-timey... stationary bicycle

~lilmike 2 years ago

#Hiya, Basic archlinux-sqlite.yml... hopefully: https://michaels.world/archlinux-sqlite.yml :-) let me know how it works, hopefully we'll get it working! :-). -Michael.

Sorry about the test, it's just a me thing. Michael Taboada, Creator of Games. Does that make me a god, well, sorta. My pgp key: 79BC390E8864CD71305D4DD606CD2197A6EE5ED7 My website: https://michaels.world 2MB website: https://2mb.games Don't believe everything you read on the internet. I might not be real, you might not be real, and this email certainly isn't real. Sent from my electrically lit... stationary bicycle

~sturm 1 year, 10 months ago

Hi Michael,

Sorry for the delayed reply. I've just tried your Arch CI build for SourceHut, but doesn't seem to run as expected. Here's the build:


and here's the branch "arch":


If you had a chance to investigate, that would be very useful. I've never used Arch myself.

~lilmike 1 year, 10 months ago

That seems to be an arch image issue. The arch image doesn't allow upgrading of util-linux by default, but does allow upgrading of util-linux-libs. Unfortunately in the latest update of those two packages, some files were moved from util-linux to util-linux-libs, and if trying to upgrade util-linux-libs but not util-linux, the package manager will want some files to exist in both packages, which is not allowed. All you can really do for the moment is wait for sr.ht to update the arch image, which theoretically happens regularly.

TLDR: It's an arch issue, nothing you can do with the manifest to work around it.


-- Sorry about the test, it's just a me thing. Michael Taboada, Creator of Games. Does that make me a god, well, sorta. My pgp key: 79BC390E8864CD71305D4DD606CD2197A6EE5ED7 My website: https://michaels.world 2MB website: https://2mb.games Don't believe everything you read on the internet. I might not be real, you might not be real, and this email certainly isn't real. Sent from my supernatural... stationary bicycle

~sturm 1 year, 10 months ago

"~lilmike" outgoing@sr.ht writes:

TLDR: It's an arch issue, nothing you can do with the manifest to work around it.

Thanks Mike! I'll leave this ticket open for a while to see if anything changes in a few months with an updated image.

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