Handle unsupported image formats

Blit a placeholder image rather then failing through.

Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127372, .y = 183254, .z = 19 }
Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127371, .y = 183255, .z = 19 }
Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127371, .y = 183254, .z = 19 }
Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127370, .y = 183254, .z = 19 }
Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127369, .y = 183255, .z = 19 }
Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127366, .y = 183257, .z = 19 }
Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127366, .y = 183256, .z = 19 }
Add multi handle TileSpec{ .x = 127366, .y = 183255, .z = 19 }
SDL Error: Unsupported image format
Failed to successfully complete transfer: error.GenericSDLError!
SDL Error: Unsupported image format
Failed to successfully complete transfer: error.GenericSDLError!
SDL Error: Unsupported image format
Failed to successfully complete transfer: error.GenericSDLError!
SDL Error: Unsupported image format
Failed to successfully complete transfer: error.GenericSDLError!
SDL Error: Unsupported image format

Coordinates which may demonstrate problem: -47.545 -92

Assigned to
3 years ago
3 years ago

~sxmo-infra 3 years ago

Working replication mepolang:

center_on_coords 41.033 -113.2965;
prefset zoom 14;

~mil REPORTED FIXED 3 years ago*

Fixed in 0.1, for preventing a crash - need to actually handle, currently things will retry infinitely when there's an unsupported image format.

~mil FIXED REPORTED 3 years ago

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