Crashed on start on Mobian (mobian-sm7225-phosh-20230806) on Fairphone 4

Good morning.

I've installed the latest Mobian on my Fairphone 4.

I've installed Mepo using the Flatpak instructions, thus;

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo flatpak install flathub com.milesalan.mepo

Which installed fine.

When I come to run, using "flatpak run com.milesalan.mepo", I get;

"thread 2 panic: attempt to unwrap error: GenericSDLError"

Followed by eight lines of;

"???:?:? 0x25nnnn in ??? (???)"

Where "nnnn" is four digits, which vary by line.

That's all there is.

I'm up for helping in any way I can - debug builds, ssh access to the phone, sitting here looking at and telling you what it's doing, etc (I'm at home most of the time, so I can do that while doing my own coding, no problem).

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1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
bug user-feedback

~mil 1 year, 2 months ago

Thanks for the report - will look more into this in the next few days. Phosh / Flatpak was working aok last I tested but there may have been some regression. I think this might have to do with SW/HW rendering (as latest tagged release was incorrectly configured in terms of selection of the proper renderer) - master fixes this issue so it's possible simply latest master code will fix this but not positive yet; I'll report more when I do some further investigation.

mepo@sctb.ch 1 year, 2 months ago · edit

So, mepo crashes when started from the comamnd line - however, there is in fact also an icon for it, and I can run mepo from that.

Mepo does not crash, but it is not functioning correctly, I'd say. What's shown are map tiles, but they're all while, and most are marked with "Queuing", however, what happens then is a bunch of them then go black, and contain white text which looks to me like download progress information - but that is always 0.00%, and then they go back to being white, and other tiles go to being black, and this dance of download attempts continues indefinitely.

BTW, one note, as I only realized this a day or so ago - the Mobian build I have is based on Trixie, not Bookworm.

I'm going to see next about setting up an off-line map server on the phone, and finding out how to point mepo at that (and this is specifically what I want, as I do not keep a SIM). That could work - will see.

~mil 1 year, 2 months ago

I wonder if this is a permission error related to how Flatpak is setup globally on Mobian (e.g. do other Flatpak's have internet access?). I haven't had time to test (besides testing Flatpak locally / e.g. not directly on Mobian) but what your describing with showing 'queueing' and alternating is essentially how mepo acts when the application doesn't have internet connection or very slow connection (e.g. hitting timeout limit for tile downloads, failing and restarting).

Also - I don't think this would necessarily change things but I did publish a new Flatpak for the 1.2.0 release a few days ago so you may want to give that a shot as well.

Regarding offline usage - you can download tiles via mepo itself (caveat: #62) and don't necessarily need a tileserver (although local tileserver will work too if you want to go that route); see userguide for downloading tiles for later offline usage via mepo: http://mepo.milesalan.com/userguide.html#offline-usage

mepo@sctb.ch 1 year, 1 month ago · edit

On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 03:06:47 +0000 outgoing@sr.ht wrote:

I wonder if this is a permission error related to how Flatpak is setup globally on Mobian (e.g. do other Flatpak's have internet access?). I haven't had time to test (besides testing Flatpak locally / e.g. not directly on Mobian) but what your describing with showing 'queuing' and alternating is essentially how mepo acts when the application doesn't have internet connection or very slow connection (e.g. hitting timeout limit for tile downloads, failing and restarting).

Also - I don't think this would necessarily change things but I did publish a new Flatpak for the 1.2.0 release a few days ago so you may want to give that a shot as well.

Regarding offline usage - you can download tiles via mepo itself (caveat: #62) and don't necessarily need a tileserver (although local tileserver will work too if you want to go that route); see userguide for downloading tiles for later offline usage via mepo: http://mepo.milesalan.com/userguide.html#offline-usage

So, I have lots of extra news :-)

  1. So, I installed Mobian on the FP4. I had the experiences I have described. I then had a system update occur, which broke Mobian - the phone could not get past fastboot. I reinstalled Mobian (the same version), immediately ran the system update, and that was fine. I then installed Mepo, did not issue the final "run" command but ran it from its icon, and it worked!

  2. However, there were functionality issues. First, the default font was minute. I had to ramp it up to 40 for it to be viable. This directly changed the map font, but I needed to zoom in a lot to read the map font, and the maximum zoom level 16, is too far out - I couldn't read street names, or see street numbers. I tried using the script to zoom in more, but it had no effect (custom zoom of say 20 did nothing).

  3. Normally map movement in mepo is very fluid, but for whatever reason, FP4/Mobian/Mepo, I can't know, on occasion mepo would get kinda confused, and map movement would become very jerky - one update map every second or more. Killing mepo and restarting fixes it.

  4. Moderately often I would find Mepo was having trouble downloading tiles. I suspect the phone was having trouble with the network in some way, rather than Mepo getting it wrong.

However, I have now moved away from Mobian on the FP4. It's not yet viable as a platform - GPS is not working, and the limited max zoom on Mepo means I can't read street names, so I can't use that to figure out where I am, and none of the other map apps are any good. No viable map app is a killer problem. For now, I've moved back to /e/OS. I think what I need to do now is get a Librem 5, and run Mobian on that, until Mobian is good on the FP4.

mepo@sctb.ch 1 year, 1 month ago · edit

I wrote:

Some of what I wrote was not clear, or was written incorrectly. Corrections!

  1. So, I installed Mobian on the FP4. I had the experiences I have described. I then had a system update occur, which broke Mobian - the phone could not get past fastboot. I reinstalled Mobian (the same version), immediately ran the system update, and that was fine. I then installed Mepo, did not issue the final "run" command but ran it from its icon, and it worked!

So when I say worked - I mean, map tiles loading normally. Bingo!

  1. However, there were functionality issues. First, the default font was minute. I had to ramp it up to 40 for it to be viable. This directly changed the map font,

NOT "map font". This directly changed the UI font - which is different to the map font, which changes as you change zoom.

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