Ability to customize pin size

at least on sway (sxmo, pmos) my position is displayed with a tiny, red, 2px square. it would be helpful to have something like the gps icon from the nerd fonts package for better visibility of the actual position.

(i know we talked about this on the channel, but i was not able to familiarize me with the code mepo is written in and therefore can not provide a patch)

Assigned to
6 months ago
5 months ago
feature user-feedback

~mil 5 months ago

Renamed this ticket to 'Ability to customize pin size'.

This is something that's completely doable - would be pretty simple to add (mainly just a passthrough from API into the function blit_pin), current implementation has the pinsize fixed as 10px:

fn blit_pin(mepo: *Mepo, pin: *types.Pin, prev_pin: ?*types.Pin, pin_group: u8, is_active_path: bool, for_tile: types.XYZ) !void {
    const pin_rect_size: i32 = 10;
    const is_active = mepo.pin_group_active_item != null and &mepo.pin_groups[mepo.pin_group_active].items[mepo.pin_group_active_item.?] == pin;

    const pindest = get_pin_xyz_and_offsets(pin, for_tile.z);

~mil 5 months ago

For the icon aspect we have #78, that's different from sizing.

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