From ML:
JSON config (use with cat cfg.json | mepo -i
Crash log:
thread 20380 panic: integer cast truncated bits
/home/m/mepo/src/blit/blit.zig:391:13: 0x10d89d0 in blit_pin (mepo)
/home/m/mepo/src/blit/blit.zig:230:33: 0x10da3dc in blit_tile_pinlayer (mepo)
try blit_pin(mepo, pin, if (prev_pin != null) prev_pin else null, @intCast(pin_group_i), is_active_path, .{ .x = tile_x, .y = tile_y, .z =
zoom });
/home/m/mepo/src/blit/blit.zig:51:39: 0x10dae54 in blit_tiles_all (mepo)
try blit_tile_pinlayer(mepo, tilex_int, tiley_int, zoom, vpx, vpy, bbox);
/home/m/mepo/src/blit/blit.zig:847:23: 0x10e69d6 in blit (mepo)
try blit_tiles_all(
/home/m/mepo/src/Mepo.zig:741:24: 0x10e7674 in blit (mepo)
return blitfns.blit(mepo);
/home/m/mepo/src/Mepo.zig:511:26: 0x10e7c8d in sdl_event_loop (mepo)
try mepo.blit();
/home/m/mepo/src/Mepo.zig:498:19: 0x1093cb1 in mepo_sdl_loop_thread_boot (mepo)
sdl_event_loop(mepo) catch unreachable;
???:?:?: 0x7f6ca01c127e in ??? (
Unwind information for `` was not available, trace may be incomplete
Need to re-examine logic & casts within blit_pin
function. Using @truncate
instead of @intCast
in call to sdl.aalineColor
resolves the immediate crash but there maybe more cleanup to do as well.
Using @truncate
instead of @intCast