This ticket tracks known good (working load & routes etc.) (MDBIDs) from the Mobility Database as tracked or reported by users of Mobroute / Transito. Please feel free to comment on this ticket if you've found an MDBID that works well for routing and you want to notify other users of this.
Note this ticket is only for good and working known feed IDs; if you find a non-working feed - please search the ticket tracker for the feed ID and please open a separate ticket if you can't find anything.
Known Good Feeds (to be eventually added to ):
Calgary Transit (MDBID: 712) also does not work as it's agency.txt does not have an agency_id
Thanks for reporting agency.txt issue with MDBID 712 ~pi-cli ; added to list. Fixed with #34
Now I get a different error: strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax
~pi-cla would you be able to open up a ticket for your issue & post full replication steps & details? (Include as many logs, screenshots, etc. as possible to show full process)
I'm unable to replicate that issue locally - did test routing successfully with MDBID 712 yesterday on master after fix in #34
nvm, it appears the bug is no longer there. Calgary Transit works properly now. Thanks!
Worth mentioning 1077 from here.
Thanks for mentioning ~whynothugo - have added 1077 to the above list
This ticket has been updated to only track good feed IDs; feed IDs which have problems with load/routing should be tracked in their own tickets from now on