Planned v1.2.0 release

This ticket keeps track of what has been done and what still needs to be done for the planned v1.2.0.

Patches merged so far:

  • Reed Wade: Move the send sms logic in a dedicated script
  • Reed Wade: Autocomplete WPA networks with scanned ones
  • Dmytro: Unmute fix
  • Sam Bowlby: fix crash on open menu if already open
  • Anjandev Momi: handle missing and uncreatable notifdirs more gracefully
  • Maarten van Gompel & ~nimbin: Implemented suggested fix for Notifications menu fails with special characters (#78)
  • Reed Wade: fix a bug on picked notification file determination
  • Reed Wade: fix a notification bug when sms come from whitespace content number
  • Maarten van Gompel: swapped the two move-window-to-next-desktop gestures, the direction of the swipe is now the direction of the movement
  • Maarten van Gompel: complete revision of gestures, using new edge system
  • Julian P Samaroo: Added option to postpone and resend text messages
  • Serge E. Hallyn : modemmonitor: use dbus-monitor
  • Maarten van Gompel: added SXMO_LOCK_SCREEN_OFF and SXMO_LOCK_SUSPEND environment variables to set a target stage from the environment
  • Maarten van Gompel: Implementing optional rtc wakeup at regular intervals, added presuspend, rtcwake and postwake script

Things I think should definitely be done for next release (non exhaustive):

  • Deprecate sxmo-svkbd in favour of upstream svkbd (#91)
  • Remove old camera.sh scripts in favour of Megapixels. (#107)
  • shorter phone numbers do not appear in notifications, dialer, or text apps (#106)
  • cannot text messages with ' or " (#80)
  • Can't send sms with some chars (#92)

Some major patches for bluetooth audio and MMS have also been submitted, if these are found to be mature enough I think we should include them.

Some packaging issues to take into account for next release. I'm working on the sxmo packages in a fork of pmaports here: https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/sxmo-pmaports , in thepre1.2.0 branch:

  • the sxmo-xdm package will be split into sxmo-xdm and sxmo-xdm-config (https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/sxmo-xdm-config).
  • sxmo-svkbd will be removed, instead, an svkbd package is maintained in alpine.
  • the lisgd package in alpine needs to be updated because of the new gesture system. It adds libx11-dev as a dependency (unfortunately, couldn't get rid of that, remains open to be solved)

There is also great work on a possible splitting packages (#79) by ~kgp445, I think we should save that for a further release after v1.2.0 as things are already getting fairly complicated as it is.

Assigned to
4 years ago
3 years ago

~proycon referenced this from #108 4 years ago

~proycon 4 years ago

Further merges thus-far:

  • Reed Wade: Add a new pickup hook that trigger on accept incoming calls

  • Maarten van Gompel & Reed Wade: Add more contacts choice to contact list

  • Anjandev Momi: Postpone (sms) renamed to draft

  • Anjandev Momi: move dwm.log to $XDG_CACHE_HOME

  • Maarten van Gompel: don't stumble over single quotes when sending SMS texts and replace double quotes with double single quotes to avoid trouble (a bit patchy)

  • Andre Ramnitz: Don't set $TERM

  • Andre Ramnitz: Start terminal with a login shell if run from dmenu

  • Miles Alan: Fix wakeup from CRUST for incoming call for 5.9 kernel

  • Anjandev Momi: enable bluetooth and modem drivers during crust suspend

  • Reed Wade: Give notification file to the notification hook

  • Reed Wade: Add a new pickup hook that trigger on accept incoming calls

  • Reed Wade: The ring hook was blocking the notification writing.

~mil 4 years ago*

The major piece of work I want to see if I can push forward likely this week is CRUST/calls/texts integration (https://todo.sr.ht/~mil/sxmo-tickets/116).

After this I'd say we should plan to tag 1.2.0 (unless you have any objections ~proycon & ~anjan, let me know if there's anything we should roll in in the next few days as well).

The major two things blocking the next release from my point of view are:

  • Lisgd, we need to bump Alpine's package version and include the X dep.
  • Calling / text wakeup from crust is half completed (I plan to finish off this work or atleast get something reliably working this week)

The other points mentioned above ~proycon are for sure nice to have like sxmo-xdm-config and bugfixes, though I don't think most of these things are regressions so I'm fine moving the next release with just the above two pieces of work (lisgd bump & crust calls/text) as we already have quite a few commits merged on this pass.

Let me know if you have any thoughts ~proycon & ~anjan

~proycon 4 years ago

On 20-11-23 01:50, ~mil wrote:

The major piece of work I want to see if I can push forward likely this week is CRUST/calls/texts integration (https://todo.sr.ht/~mil/sxmo- tickets/116).

That would be great yeah. The issue with receiving unicode texts would also be nice to have fixed but that's in the hands of upstream developers now and not really something we can fix ourselves.

After this I'd say we should plan to tag 1.2.0 (unless you have any objections ~proycon & ~amom, let me know if there's anything we should roll in in the next few days as well).

I agree, we should go for 1.2.0 sooner rather than later.

The major two things blocking the next release from my point of view are: - Lisgd, we need to bump Alpine's package version and include the X dep.

I have that ready (but untested) in this branch: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/proycon/aports/-/tree/lisgd1.2.0

We'll indeed need to time the release well so it lands at the same time as the other packages.

  • Calling / text wakeup from crust is half completed (I plan to finish off this work or atleast get something reliably working this week)

The other points mentioned above ~proycon are for sure nice to have like sxmo-xdm-config and bugfixes, though I don't think most of these things are regressions so I'm fine moving the next release with just the above two pieces of work (lisgd bump & crust calls/text) as we already have quite a few commits merged on this pass.

I do think sxmo-xdm-config is essential, because the old one won't work with the new keyboard (as it hard-codes the old one).

I'm working on getting the packages in order in this branch: https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/sxmo-pmaports/tree/pre1.2.0

The main bottleneck for me now is that I don't have a proper test pipeline set up.


Maarten van Gompel (proycon) https://proycon.anaproy.nl

~anjan 4 years ago

I also want to fix modem errors that cause dwm to crash. See:


This also happens if you launch modemmonitor script too early when dwm launches.

~proycon 4 years ago

Further overview of merged patches thus-far:

  • Maarten van Gompel: modemmonitortoggle may take an argument "on" or "off"
  • Maarten van Gompel: Force new process group using setgid -f when starting anything that may possibly kill an entire progress group (kill -9 0) #11
  • Miles Alan: Standardize install path for mimeapps.list to use $PREFIX
  • Reed Wade: Use mono differencial as default Line Out mode
  • Anjandev Momi: Fixed user log out when selecting "Close Menu" in dialer
  • Anjandev Momi: Added default sxmo applications mimeapps.list
  • Reed Wade: sxmo_files now respect user desktop configurations
  • Maarten van Gompel: editorcheck update: restrict to shell scripts and C programs for now, and removing the maximum line length check for now.
  • Maarten van Gompel: various indentation fixes (spaces to tabs and stripping trailing whitespace)
  • ivoulis: Do not start lisgd if it is not running (e.g. lockscreen)
  • Miles Alan: Add back saftey hook for incoming calls to delete notifications if none incoming
  • Miles Alan: Missed call rework: Use dbus to check for missed calls & properly delete pickup
  • Miles Alan: Make suspendtimeout for screenlock cutomizable via SXMO_SUSPENDTIMEOUTS
  • Serge E. Hallyn: sxmo_weather: add wind direction
  • Anjandev Momi: fix builds button to only show sxmo-utils tests
  • Anjandev Momi: move sxmo data to XDG_DATA_HOME
  • Anjandev Momi: add editorconfig and editorconfig check

~proycon 4 years ago*

I have tagged the following for release: sxmo-dwm, sxmo-dmenu, lisgd, sxmo-xdm-config

The lisgd merge request for alpine has work-in-progress state and can be found here: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/15323

~proycon 4 years ago

Release of sxmo-utils is still blocked by #106

~proycon 4 years ago

work-in-progress merge request for postmarketos: https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmaports/-/merge_requests/1789

At this point, sxmo-utils still needs to be released and added there.

~proycon 4 years ago

I adapted the merge request and removed the sxmo-xdm package, everything is now in sxmo-xdm-config and we rely on the upstream alpine package 'xdm' to provide xdm.

~proycon 4 years ago

#106 seems fixed so I think we're about ready to tag and release sxmo-utils and then finish the release

~proycon 4 years ago

We have to make sure that calling works as perfectly as possible for the new release, and that's not really the case yet: issues #133 and #134 popped up and need to be fixed first.

~proycon REPORTED IMPLEMENTED 3 years ago

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