Try to get into the settings of HTOP.
I have to keep pressing F2 or keep it held down to get into the settings eventually. Same with F9 to kill a process, all F keys seem to be stealing the focus of the application (dwm titlebar changes)
On 20-12-16 08:11, ~trbl wrote:
Try to get into the settings of HTOP. I have to keep pressing F2 or keep it held down to get into the settings eventually. Same with F9 to kill a process, all F keys seem to be stealing the focus of the application (dwm titlebar changes)
I tried and I can't seem to reproduce this. Also, our default dwm config doesn't bind function keys afaik. Perhaps it's conflicting with a customisation you did yourself?
Maarten van Gompel (proycon)
This appears to be an issue with ST. It seems to have a number of issues with special keys. Another example, backspace, can be seen to not function correctly in the sudo password field. Another, ctrl+shift+c/v don't work to copy and paste, you must use dmenu...
Personally I have switched to lxterminal, as it offers better compatibility, more settings (including a real light theme), and persistent storage of settings.
Yes, can confirm, way less issues in lxterminal. Thank you! Most of the suckless software sucks...