Toggle audio during call is not working. Not able to toggle audio to headphone or speaker during call, it always defaults to earpiece . Not sure if it is same for all.
The phone gets pretty hot when in a call when the battery is low. I prefer to use wired headphones. But this seems to not work. Can anyone confirm it is same for all?
I have the same issue. Every audio output option toggled during call are ignored, and audio still gets routed to earpiece.
With pipewire callaudio in git head it seems to work. May be it will be available in 1.9 release.
With pipewire callaudio in git head it seems to work. May be it will be available in 1.9 release.
Yap we basically wait for a callaudiod release in some weeks to finalise this transition. There is some edge cases that we hope will be fixed at this point. But toggeling speaker mode seems already reliable now