Mysterious first line in apps menu

I have custom script for apps menu, which is basicly just copy of sxmo apps menu with small changes. Here it is

#!/usr/bin/env sh

# include common definitions
# shellcheck source=scripts/core/sxmo_common.sh
COMMON=$(which sxmo_common.sh)

command -v aerc	      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Aerc    	^ 0 ^ st -e aerc"
command -v alpine     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Alpine      ^ 0 ^ st -e alpine"
command -v anbox-launch     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_glb Anbox      ^ 0 ^ st -e anbox-launch"
command -v calcurse   >/dev/null && echo "$icon_clk Calcurse    ^ 0 ^ st -e calcurse"
command -v cmus       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_mus Cmus        ^ 0 ^ st -e cmus"
command -v dino       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_clk Dino        ^ 0 ^ GDK_SCALE=2 dino"
command -v emacs      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_edt Emacs       ^ 0 ^ st -e emacs"
command -v evince     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_glb Evince      ^ 0 ^ evince"
command -v evolution  >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Evolution   ^ 0 ^ evolution"
command -v epiphany   >/dev/null && echo "$icon_glb Epiphany    ^ 0 ^ epiphany"
command -v firefox    >/dev/null && echo "$icon_ffx Firefox     ^ 0 ^ firefox"
command -v foxtrotgps >/dev/null && echo "$icon_gps Foxtrotgps  ^ 0 ^ foxtrotgps"
command -v geany      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Geany       ^ 0 ^ geany"
command -v geary      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Geary       ^ 0 ^ geary"
command -v gedit      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_edt Gedit       ^ 0 ^ gedit"
command -v geeqie     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_img Geeqie      ^ 0 ^ geeqie"
command -v htop       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_cfg Htop        ^ 0 ^ st -e htop"
command -v irssi      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_msg Irssi       ^ 0 ^ st -e irssi"
command -v ii         >/dev/null && echo "$icon_msg Ii          ^ 0 ^ st -e ii"
command -v ipython    >/dev/null && echo "$icon_trm IPython     ^ 0 ^ st -e ipython"
command -v kodi       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_mvi Kodi        ^ 0 ^ /home/rade/bin/kodi-landscape"
command -v lf         >/dev/null && echo "$icon_dir Lf          ^ 0 ^ st -e lf"
command -v midori     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_glb Midori      ^ 0 ^ midori"
command -v mutt       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Mutt        ^ 0 ^ st -e mutt"
command -v nano       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_edt Nano        ^ 0 ^ st -e nano"
command -v ncmpcpp    >/dev/null && echo "$icon_mus Ncmpcpp     ^ 0 ^ st -e ncmpcpp"
command -v neomutt    >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Neomutt     ^ 0 ^ st -e neomutt"
command -v neovim     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_vim Neovim      ^ 0 ^ st -e neovim"
command -v netsurf    >/dev/null && echo "$icon_glb Netsurf     ^ 0 ^ netsurf"
command -v newsboat   >/dev/null && echo "$icon_rss Newsboat    ^ 0 ^ st -e newsboat"
command -v nnn        >/dev/null && echo "$icon_dir Nnn         ^ 0 ^ st -e nnn"
command -v pidgin     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_msg Pidgin      ^ 0 ^ pidgin"
command -v ranger     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_dir Ranger      ^ 0 ^ st -e ranger"
command -v sacc       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_itm Sacc        ^ 0 ^ st -e sacc i-logout.cz/1/bongusta"
command -v sic        >/dev/null && echo "$icon_itm Sic         ^ 0 ^ st -e sic"
command -v st         >/dev/null && echo "$icon_trm St          ^ 0 ^ st -e $SHELL -l"
command -v surf       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_glb Surf        ^ 0 ^ surf -z 1.5 -SP https://www.startpage.com"
command -v syncthing  >/dev/null && echo "$icon_rld Syncthing          ^ 0 ^ syncthing"
command -v telegram-desktop >/dev/null && echo "$icon_tgm Telegram     ^ 0 ^ telegram-desktop"
command -v thunar     >/dev/null && echo "$icon_dir Thunar      ^ 0 ^ st -e thunar"
command -v thunderbird >/dev/null && echo "$icon_eml Thunderbird     ^ 0 ^ thunderbird"
command -v totem      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_mvi Totem       ^ 0 ^ st -e totem"
command -v tuir       >/dev/null && echo "$icon_red Tuir        ^ 0 ^ st -e tuir"
command -v weechat    >/dev/null && echo "$icon_msg Weechat     ^ 0 ^ st -e weechat"
command -v w3m        >/dev/null && echo "$icon_glb W3m         ^ 0 ^ st -e w3m duck.com"
command -v vim        >/dev/null && echo "$icon_vim Vim         ^ 0 ^ st -e vim"
command -v vis        >/dev/null && echo "$icon_vim Vis         ^ 0 ^ st -e vis"
command -v vlc        >/dev/null && echo "$icon_mvi Vlc         ^ 0 ^ vlc"
command -v xcalc      >/dev/null && echo "$icon_clc Xcalc       ^ 0 ^ xcalc"

I am using this script for quite some time and it has worked normally. But After upgrade from sxmo 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 a mysterious line has appeard as first line in apps menu. It is literally this


As you can see this line does not aapear in my apps script. What I have found out is if I delete ". $COMMON" where I include sxmo_common.sh for icons, this first line disappears, but also app icons disappear. So it seems that the problem is somehow connected to sxmo_common.sh but I can not see how. Also, if I delete custom apps script the problem disappears (but then of course I don't have my customization) BTW I haven't change anything in any sxmo sh script in /usr/bin dir.

Assigned to
3 years ago
3 years ago
bug ready

~dinkocar 3 years ago

And I just tried running the script in terminal I get "sh: out of range" and then the list of apps. If I remove sxmo_common.sh I don't get the error.

~reedwade 3 years ago

Yes this line display herself in some menus. I think we do some kind of type $KEYBOARD somewhere without > /dev/null and this cause this crappy line.

~proycon 3 years ago

Right, both errors should now be fixed in the latest git version.

~proycon REPORTED FIXED 3 years ago

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