Screen off on its own (new feature or a bug?)

I know in previous versions of sxmo the screen would stay on until I lock it. But As I was reporting my previous bug I left my phone with screen on and apps menu shown on the screen. After few minutes the screen was off and also the led light was off. When I touched the screen it turned on, but also the touch was forwarded to the apps menu and I have started random app, in this case it was the terminal. If this is the bug, then the screen should stay on until manually locked, or if this is the feature then first touch (to wake the screen) should be ignored by running app.

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3 years ago
2 years ago
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~proycon 3 years ago

Good point, I have noticed this too. I think the normal X screen blanking is enabled, possibly a result of how we switch the screen back on after lock (xset dpms force on). I'm not sure whether it's a bug or a feature yet :)

Stacy Harper 3 years ago · edit

I noticed it too. I guess it save energy without drawbacks. It feels like a feature :D

~mil 3 years ago

In earlier versions yes I intentionally made it so that it would never go black and the screen would always stay on. Yes I suspect your theory ~proycon about how its a result of xset dpms settings is whats causing this behavior if we want to reverse it.

But either way is good, I guess the user can always change it one way or another if they want.

~trbl 3 years ago · edit

xset s off # Disable screen saver blanking

xset s 3600 3600 # 1h timeout

you can run those in ~/.config/sxmo/xinit to configure it

~dinkocar 3 years ago*

Actually in sxmo_xinit.sh in function xdefaults there is this line:

xset s off -dpms

So I guess screensaver and dpms should be off by default in sxmo. But obviously it does not work.

~tetrakist 3 years ago

I can confirm that the call to xset dpms force [on|off] in sxmo_screenlock is the culprit here, as it re-enables DPMS.

$ xset s off -dpms
$ xset q | grep DPMS -1
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 600    Suspend: 600    Off: 600
  DPMS is Disabled

After sxmo_screenlock calls xset dpms force off in blankscreen():

$ xset dpms force off
$ xset q | grep DPMS -1
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 600    Suspend: 600    Off: 600
  DPMS is Enabled
  Monitor is Off

After sxmo_screenlock calls xset dpms force on in unblankscreen():

$ xset dpms force on
$ xset q | grep DPMS -1
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 600    Suspend: 600    Off: 600
  DPMS is Enabled
  Monitor is On

I suspect that if we to honor a user preference for DPMS enablement, we may need to add a postunblank hook similar to the existing postwake hook.

~stacyharper REPORTED FIXED 2 years ago

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