If I am playing audio with the screen off The audio stops playing by glitching after about 30s
Apps I used to test this
To fix I turn the and leave the screen off Info on setup
This was not the behavior when using sxmo v1.13 before I updated
I imagine this is caused by the wakelock change https://lists.sr.ht/~mil/sxmo-devel/patches/39622
I relate this issue. I'm investigating!
To fix I turn the screen on and the audio resumes
Auto suspend on or off same behavior With Bluetooth it disconnects after about 30 seconds, When I turn the screen back on It plays audio disconnected then connects after second
I found the reason. Details in the commit:
I'm waiting a bit to see how well it works, and I will probably tag a 1.14.1 cause this can really be problematic. Even if this is a edge case issue.
seems to fix it for me as well thanks :)