Hi All,
Just migrated to the latest configs and apk update and found ligsd fails to
Running pinephone with pmos edge and sxmo-utils is built from source
I have tried running sxmo_hook_ligsdstart.sh and I get the following output:
- command -v shopt
- alias 'dmenu=sxmo_dmenu.sh'
- alias 'bemenu=sxmo_dmenu.sh'
- alias 'jq=gojq'
- command -v sxmobar
- LISGD_INPUT_DEVICE=/dev/input/by-path/first-touchscreen
- '[' dwm '=' sway ']'
- lisgd -d /dev/input/by-path/first-touchscreen -s 1.0 -t 125 -T 60 -g '1,DRUL,BR,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh bottomrightcorner' -g '1,DLUR,BL,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh bottomleftcorner' -g '1,ULDR,TL,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh topleftcorner' -g '1,URDL,TR,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh toprightcorner' -g '1,LR,B,L,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh rightbottomedge' -g '1,RL,B,L,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh leftbottomedge' -g '1,LR,L,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh rightleftedge' -g '1,RL,R,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh leftrightedge' -g '1,DU,L,,P,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh upleftedge' -g '1,UD,L,,P,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh downleftedge' -g '1,LR,T,,P,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh righttopedge' -g '1,RL,T,,P,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh lefttopedge' -g '1,DU,B,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh upbottomedge' -g '1,UD,B,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh downbottomedge' -g '1,UD,T,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh downtopedge' -g '1,DU,T,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh uptopedge' -g '2,UD,T,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh twodowntopedge' -g '2,UD,B,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh twodownbottomedge' -g '1,DU,R,,P,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh uprightedge' -g '1,UD,R,,P,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh downrightedge' -g '1,LR,R,S,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh rightrightedge_short' -g '1,RL,L,S,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh leftrightedge_short' -g '1,RL,,L,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh longoneleft' -g '1,LR,,L,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh longoneright' -g '1,DU,,L,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh longoneup' -g '1,UD,,L,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh longonedown' -g '1,RL,,M,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh mediumoneleft' -g '1,LR,,M,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh mediumoneright' -g '1,DU,,M,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh mediumoneup' -g '1,UD,,M,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh mediumonedown' -g '1,RL,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh oneleft' -g '1,LR,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh oneright' -g '1,DU,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh oneup' -g '1,UD,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh onedown' -g '1,DRUL,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh upleft' -g '1,URDL,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh downleft' -g '1,DLUR,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh upright' -g '1,ULDR,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh downright' -g '2,RL,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh twoleft' -g '2,LR,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh tworight' -g '2,DU,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh twoup' -g '2,UD,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh twodown' -g '3,RL,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh threeleft' -g '3,LR,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh threeright' -g '3,DU,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh threeup' -g '3,UD,,,setsid -f sxmo_hook_inputhandler.sh threedown'
lisgd [-v] [-d /dev/input/0] [-o 0] [-t 200] [-r 20] [-m 400] [-g '1,LR,L,*,R,notify-send swiped left to right from left edge']
Is there something I seem to be missing that is making it fail to start?