When your pocket DDoSes peanutbutter! Device gets warm and battery drains while it doesnt go back to suspend.
Steps to reproduce:
-> a high number of inputs will be registered, thus triggering the red screen of no-input.
-> if -p option has been used, red time will increase over time
-> device doesnt go back to suspend.
suggested solution:
another suggested solution:
On Fri Dec 20, 2024 at 1:29 PM CET, ~baroque0 wrote:
When your pocket DDoSes peanutbutter! Device gets warm and battery drains while it doesnt go back to suspend.
Hmm... If it doesn't go back to suspend that means it very regularly receives keeps receiving touches right? Otherwise it should have suspended after a while again.
Steps to reproduce:
- Turn device on while on suspend.
- insert back in pocket and make sure it is pressed against your.
- resume a normal life.
-> a high number of inputs will be registered, thus triggering the red screen of no-input.
-> if -p option has been used, red time will increase over time
-> device doesnt go back to suspend.
suggested solution:
- when in "red" mode, time should be counted as idle, and after a while device goes back to sleep. (when resuming, the timer of the red mode is either resumed -better- or reset -easiest-)
I think it's the compositor itself from which tools like swayidle get their idle info. So if there's a touch in peanutbutter we can't discount it. One thing we might be able to do is disable touch entirely during the 'red phase' and re-enable it afterwards (and if it's long enough we have the suspend in between).
another suggested solution:
- one click on power is just "screen on"
- 2nd click on power activates input to unlock peanubutter
That's more or less the old behaviour, I don't really want to go back to that.
Of course you can also just ensure to press the power button so the screen is off before you put the device back in your pocket ;) (except if the power button gets pressed accidentally again whilst in your pocket)