Comment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
Thanks for putting the time to provide an example, I confirm that this is causing an exception when attempting to parse the DATE field. According to the Netscape Bookmark File Format spec, the DATE field should be represented as "a decimal integer that represents the number of seconds elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970."
I think it's reasonable however to make linkhut's parser a little bit more tolerant to other date representations. Out of curiosity, would you mind disclosing which bookmarking service you were using that generated such files?
Thanks again
Request: POST /_/import ** (exit) an exception was raised: ** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments: * 1st argument: not a textual representation of an integer :erlang.binary_to_integer("Thu Jan 02 2025 04:46:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)") (linkhut 0.1.0) lib/linkhut/dump/html_parser.ex:94: Linkhut.Dump.HTMLParser.to_link/3 (elixir 1.15.7) lib/enum.ex:1693: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-1-"/2 (linkhut 0.1.0) lib/linkhut/dump/html_parser.ex:35: Linkhut.Dump.HTMLParser.parse_document/1 (linkhut 0.1.0) lib/linkhut/dump.ex:14: Linkhut.Dump.import/2 (linkhut 0.1.0) lib/linkhut_web/controllers/settings/import_controller.ex:17: LinkhutWeb.Settings.ImportController.upload/2 (linkhut 0.1.0) lib/linkhut_web/controllers/settings/import_controller.ex:1: LinkhutWeb.Settings.ImportController.action/2 (linkhut 0.1.0) lib/linkhut_web/controllers/settings/import_controller.ex:1: LinkhutWeb.Settings.ImportController.phoenix_controller_pipeline/2
Comment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
This is something I've thought about but haven't really prioritized. I would definitely welcome a patch that introduces this feature.
Comment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
Ok, have found the issue. As suspected, although the recent refactoring was supposed to be limited to improve the queries for the recent and popular views, it also affected the search, tag, and user queries. A fix is being built right now and will be deployed shortly.
Thanks a lot for raising this to our attention, I've included checking for this scenario in my list of pre-flight sanity tests.
Comment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
Hmm, just checked and your bookmarks are still in the system, but I think a recent refactoring of the query logic must have messed things up. I'll be taking a look shortly.
Comment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
Hi, thanks for reporting this.
I believe this was a result of an edge case when a user changes their e-mail without first validating their old e-mail. I think the following commit solves the issue: Could you try again to verify that things work as expected?
Comment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
Hi, thanks for reporting this.
I think I found the issue, seems like a few accounts weren't updated as part of this change:
I re-ran the migration, and I believe this should have taken care of the problem. Please, let me know if you're still experiencing the issue.
Comment by ~mlb on ~mlb/linkhut
Looks like the presence of backquotes included in the URL (due to their presence in the description meta tag of the page) trips some rule of mod_security. I've relaxed some of the settings in there.
Let me know if the issue persists in other instances.