~mr_pie_5 Great, thanks for explaining! I reckon I'll make another version of the notice that is smaller and less intrusive saying there is another active wiki community and they may have different info. It appears at a glance that the Xeno wiki is in this situation as well.
Comment by ~mr_pie_5 on ~cadence/breezewiki-todo
Sorry, guess that was a little vague. I don't know all the specifics, but basically they are separate communities that do things differently, rather than simply one community that moved elsewhere while Fandom kept their work, which most of the rest of these are. So depending on exactly what your goals with the redirects are, that might not be one you want to include; if you just want to promote Fandom alternatives, then yeah it fits, but if you're looking more to support the communities and give users the best information sources, that's a little more complicated and there might not be an objective answer.
Side note, we of the Temtem and ARK wikis do appreciate your efforts, our situations are very black and white.
~mr_pie_5 Can you please elaborate?
Comment by ~mr_pie_5 on ~cadence/breezewiki-todo
Hi, I've worked with the Elder Scrolls Fandom folks before, and would just like to caution that that wiki vs uesp is not as black and white as many of the rest of these.