
#1 Shell completion for commands and game titles 5 years ago

Comment by ~murlakatamenka on ~nicohman/eidolon

Thanks. I guess I should've made separate tickets, more atomic.

#1 Shell completion for commands and game titles 5 years ago

Ticket created by ~murlakatamenka on ~nicohman/eidolon

Would be nice to have shell completion for eidolon. If possibly including game titles.

Not sure how hard it is to implement and whether your think it's necessary at all.

Games can be run via shell like this:

eidolon run "$(eidolon list | fzf | cut -d- -f2)"

rustup can be referenced here, that's how I get its completions in my .rc, for example:

source <(rustup completions zsh) 2&>/dev/null