I am having the same error than ~mylloon. Same OpenSSH version here:
OpenSSH_9.1p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022
Comment by ~mylloon on ~erock/pico.sh
OpenSSH_9.1p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022
Comment by ~mylloon on ~erock/pico.sh
Markdown file
--- title: Test! date: 2022-21-10 tags: [test] --- Hello!available here: https://anri.prose.sh/test
Edit: here the output of the scp command :
anri@blackpink~/prose_blog> scp test.md prose.sh: test.md 100% 59 0.7KB/s 00:00 scp: remote fsetstat: Failure https://anri.prose.sh/test
Ticket created by ~mylloon on ~erock/pico.sh
When sending the file via scp, there is this error message
scp: remote fsetstat: Failure
However, the file is sent, but the metadata are not displayed
I have the same problem when the file does not have metadata and when the file has already been sent without problems (in this case the metadata are still there, just not updated)