Support for running games through the steam flatpak

Hi, I use the Steam flatpak to run my steam games, which means that I do not have a steam binary available directly on my machine, and the steam command just fails when eidolon tries to run it.

However, manually modifying per-game commands like so:

flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam steam

will work just fine.

I think the prefix_command is supposed to help with this, but of course it isn't very useful if I have any non-steam games that I want to run through this.

Could the steam command be made configurable?

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4 years ago
4 years ago
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~nicohman 4 years ago

Is there a particular reason you don't want to just have a short script somewhere in your $PATH named steam that runs steam via flatpak?

tlater 4 years ago · edit

This basically comes down to being far too passionate about maintaining a clean system configuration.

My particular case would be that it's neater to include ${pkgs.flatpak}/bin/flatpak run org.valvesoftware.Steam in a NixOS configuration for eidolon than it is to conditionally include a script when eidolon is installed.

That's a symptom of eidolon being the thing that deals with how games are run. I think it's a nicer "architecture" to bundle all game-launching related things with eidolon configuration than to spread them into other areas.

For users who care less about keeping system configuration structured like a good code base, another compelling reason is that I might not want to clobber my autocompletion with a steam command. Games (and Steam) are graphical things, and should be launched with a graphical launcher, like eidolon, so I don't want my shell to know about them.

I do understand if that's not compelling enough of a reason to add more maintenance to the codebase, though I am more than happy to contribute an actual patch for this.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Thursday, September 10, 2020 7:40 PM, ~nicohman outgoing@sr.ht wrote:

Is there a particular reason you don't want to just have a short script somewhere in your $PATH named steam that runs steam via flatpak?

View on the web: https://todo.sr.ht/~nicohman/eidolon/2#event-49341

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