Hello Nigini:
In message D2ZZTOXCUBU7.2990X12CKLM20@meta.sr.ht, "~nigini" writes:
Hey, I have just experienced a similar problem.[...] When I looked into the logs, it was covered in failed (timed-out) requests for federated user keys. My working hypothesis is that it happened after I got a couple of new follow(er)s... Do you remember having changes in that regard as well, John?
I have 0 followers shown in microblog. So I don't think gaining followers is showing anything.
docker logs microblogpub doesn't show any errors.
So I think it's a different issue.
I think this is related to some Federation protocol that is running havoc. That would not be the first time I heard of these cases. I will keep monitoring and investigating...
Even if it's not my issue, tracking down a spamming federation protocol would be useful.
#-- -- rouilj John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.
Comment by ~nigini on ~tsileo/microblog.pub
Hey, I have just experienced a similar problem. Although, in my case -- a tiny machine -- my vCPU was eaten by these INV processes. When I looked into the logs, it was covered in failed (timed-out) requests for federated user keys. My working hypothesis is that it happened after I got a couple of new follow(er)s... Do you remember having changes in that regard as well, John?
I think this is related to some Federation protocol that is running havoc. That would not be the first time I heard of these cases. I will keep monitoring and investigating...
Ticket created by ~nigini on ~tsileo/microblog.pub
When submitting a new article, I was testing to post only an attachment. The error message "Error: object must have a content" came after the request was processed by the server...
It would likely be better to check the required fields before submitting the publish request to the server, right?
Comment by ~nigini on ~tsileo/microblog.pub
Also interested in both "editing published posts" and "saving a draft." If the project owner is interested in the draft-saving functionality, I would like to take a look into it and suggest an implementation.
Comment by ~nigini on ~tsileo/microblog.pub
I would also like to have that functionality! Would the project managers be interested in that functionality? If so, I'm willing to look into it and try to implement it.