~northyear assigned ~northyear to #2 on ~northyear/.emacs.d
~northyear unassigned ~northyear from #2 on ~northyear/.emacs.d
~northyear assigned ~northyear to #2 on ~northyear/.emacs.d
Comment by ~northyear on ~northyear/.emacs.d
RESOLVED DUPLICATEComment by ~northyear on ~northyear/.emacs.d
REPORTEDrefactor added by ~northyear on ~northyear/.emacs.d
refactor added by ~northyear on ~northyear/.emacs.d
Comment by ~northyear on ~northyear/.emacs.d
RESOLVED CLOSEDTicket created by ~northyear on ~northyear/.emacs.d
This is a slow moving progress.
Ticket created by ~northyear on ~northyear/.emacs.d
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#Initial thought
- evil ecosystem is a must to go.
- Still not decide which package manager to use yet. Elpaca, Straight, and Beorg are under consideration.