Invalid-function compat-declare-version

packages that use compat-declare-version break under compat 28.1.2. compat-declare-version is defined as a macro and other functions do not perform macro-expand. Defining this macro definition as a function is a work around.

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2 years ago
2 years ago
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~pkal 2 years ago

"~minifridge" outgoing@sr.ht writes:

packages that use compat-declare-version break under compat 28.1.2. compat-declare-version is defined as a macro and other functions do not perform macro-expand. Defining this macro definition as a function is a work around.

No package should use compat-declare-version, that is an internal macro defined in compat-macs.el, so I am afraid I don't understand the issue.

What exactly breaks? Also, are you using an atypical package management system (straight, borg, ...)?

~pkal 2 years ago

I have managed to reproduce the issue. From what I understand the issue lies in Emacs not reloading compat-macs.el before evaluating compat-NM.el files. I have published a minor version that requires compat-macs.el even when the file is not being compiled and that prevents compat-macs.el from being byte compiled in the first place.

~minifridge 2 years ago

Yes, you are right. None of the packages failing actually use the compat-declare-version macro. They just depend on compat

~titanofold 2 years ago

This update alone was not sufficient for me. I did need to recompile several packages. Rather than selectively recompiling, I recompiled them all:

M-: (byte-recompile-directory package-user-dir nil 'force)

After recompiling and restarting, I had no further issues.

~pkal 2 years ago

"~titanofold" outgoing@sr.ht writes:

This update alone was not sufficient for me. I did need to recompile several packages. Rather than selectively recompiling, I recompiled them all:

M-: (byte-recompile-directory package-user-dir nil 'force)

After recompiling and restarting, I had no further issues.

That is in line with what I understand the issue to be. What I don't know is if there is any way around the issue that this issue arises whenever a macro is added or modified.

~pkal 2 years ago


This is another attempt at solving the issue. It will probably be released along with the next version of Compat.

~pkal 2 years ago

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