a qcard question

Hi psic4t,

I discoverd this gem recently. Searching for a way to retrieve contact Informations from my contacts in nextcloud in a terminal, this seems to be the solution. Is there a way to display specific fields (like -emailonly) or  self defined fomatted outputs? Until now, I only managed to get an output like:

firstname lastname E: firstname.lastname@mailprovider.org A: ;;street;town;;zipcode; a: ;departement;;street;town;;zipcode; n: notice

No phone number or birthday... Do I miss something?

Thank you in advance Hermann

-- Hermann Prey Lenbachstraße 5 90489 Nürnberg Deutschland Tel. +49 0911 4501160 E-Mail: Hermann.Prey@web.de

Hermann Prey
Assigned to
1 year, 8 months ago
10 months ago
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Matthias Debus (edited) 1 year, 7 months ago* · edit

Hi Hermann,

currently "emailonly" is the only opttion to shorten the output for mutt.

You can easily grep for any field though:

psic4t@c0re:~$ qcard -s mustermann | grep "M: " | cut -d ":" -f 2-

+49 175 123123123

Here I'll get a contacts mobile number directly.

All posible letters are in the README:


If a field isn't displayed, it is possible that it isn't saved correctly in the contact. Currently qcard looks for "private" and "work". Maybe you can play around a bit in Nextcloud to check.

You can write me directly in German, if you like. :)

Greetings + a nice weekend

Matthias (psic4t)

On 08.06.23 10:55, ~Hermann Prey wrote:

Hi psic4t,

I discoverd this gem recently. Searching for a way to retrieve contact Informations from my contacts in nextcloud in a terminal, this seems to be the solution. Is there a way to display specific fields (like -emailonly) or?? self defined fomatted outputs? Until now, I only managed to get an output like:

firstname lastname ??E: firstname.lastname@mailprovider.org ??A: ;;street;town;;zipcode; ??a: ;departement;;street;town;;zipcode; ??n: notice

No phone number or birthday... Do I miss something?

Thank you in advance Hermann

-- Hermann Prey Lenbachstra??e 5 90489 N??rnberg Deutschland Tel. +49 0911 4501160 E-Mail: Hermann.Prey@web.de

-- View on the web: https://todo.sr.ht/~psic4t/qcal/4

-- message me on Matrix: @psic4t:data.haus

~psic4t REPORTED CLOSED 1 year, 5 months ago

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