When receiving the Link https://example.com/order-status/OEMzVEdLNFhYTTqSRhoeOUynSRLW1PqFA1XyVIGEQSxA_ktYtcxqESoU8g
the link that opens when clicking it has an extra _
at the end.
The bug is unique to kitty terminal + aerc terminal interactions. The bug is not present when
script is used outside of the aerc terminal.The bug can only be reproduced inside the kitty(tried alacritty and foot) so I'd say it's just a kitty bug which should be reported to it.
Though, given that it doesn't happen outside of aerc-terminal, it could be something with it, cc ~rockorager
@Moritz - is this happening still with the new tcell-term?
It is not