It would be nice to have a similar feature to {,neo}mutt's reverse-thread sort:
N ┌─>[aerc/patches] build success
N Tim Culverhouse [PATCH aerc] msglist: fix panic for index-out-of-range
N ┌─>[aerc/patches] build success
N Tim Culverhouse ┌─>[PATCH aerc v2 7/7] threading: refactor reselect logic
N Tim Culverhouse ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 6/7] threading: enable filtering of server-side threads
N Tim Culverhouse ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 5/7] threading: add force-client-threads option
N Tim Culverhouse ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 4/7] threading: enable toggle-threads for server-side threads
N Tim Culverhouse ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 3/7] threading: add backend capabilities to workers
N Tim Culverhouse ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 2/7] msgstore: remove duplicate calls to store.update
N Tim Culverhouse ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 1/7] statusline: show threading status if threading-enabled=true
N Tim Culverhouse [PATCH aerc v2 0/7] Expand server-side threading capability
Ns Moritz Poldrack ┌─>Re: [PATCH aerc v2] doc: describe parameters for mailto option
N ├─>[aerc/patches] build success
N Koni Marti [PATCH aerc v2] doc: describe parameters for mailto option
N ┌─>[aerc/patches] build success
N Koni Marti ┌─>[PATCH aerc v2 4/4] recall: support pgp/mime messages
N Koni Marti ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 3/4] recall: append attachments
N Koni Marti ├─>[PATCH aerc v2 2/4] recall: confirm deleting message when not sent
N Koni Marti [PATCH aerc v2 1/4] postpone: avoid calling WriteMessage twice
Koni Marti referenced this ticket in commit ae99f4c.