
#239 `warn` option not honoured by `compile-string` 4 months ago

Comment by ~rktjmp on ~technomancy/fennel

Reproduction, observe "--WARNING" output written to stderr in the terminal.

(let [{: compile-string} (require :fennel)]
  (compile-string "(local x\"bad\")"
                  {:warn #(print "warnings are just suggestions")}))

#239 `warn` option not honoured by `compile-string` 4 months ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~technomancy/fennel

The (currently undocumented) warn compiler option, used to redirect stderr messages to a custom function is not used when calling compile-string (and assumedly other compile-* functions).

Fennels internal warn function checks root.options which is nil, so it always falls back to stderr.

#64 &as cannot be used together with & rest 6 months ago

Comment by ~rktjmp on ~technomancy/fennel

It also does not work in case/match/case-try/case-match.

;; per tests, working
(let [[a b & c &as t] [1 2 3 4 5]]
  [a b c t])

(case [1 2 3 4 5] ;; expected & rest argument before last parameter
  [a b & c &as t] [a b c t])

#24 `(case ... [a] ...)` should not trigger unused definition warning 9 months ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~xerool/fennel-ls

Not sure how you feel about this one, it's different to https://todo.sr.ht/~xerool/fennel-ls/23 ([a a] == (= a1 a2))

The following,

(case x
  [any-non-nil] (do ...)))

gives an unused definition warning, but the existence of a binding is usage, its implicitly checking for non-nil.

#23 `(case ... [a a] ...)` should not trigger unused definition warning 9 months ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~xerool/fennel-ls

(case [1 1]
  [a a] true ;; unused definition: a
  _ false)

a is implicitly used when checking that both elements are equal.

#22 Unused definition warning for dupicate bindings inside `case or` 9 months ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~xerool/fennel-ls

;; given the same binding name, the second `n` is marked as unused.

(case [:a 1]
  (where (or [:a n] [:b n])) n
  _ false)

;; ./fennel-ls --check bug/case-undef.fnl
;; bug/case-undef.fnl:2:24 unused definition: n

#187 accumulate accumulator name can clobber iterator binding name 1 year, 1 month ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~technomancy/fennel

If the accumulator name given to accumulate is the same as the binding given to the iterator function, the accumulators initial value is passed to the iterator instead.

Not sure if this is an issue, or an intended quirk allowing you to define the iterator target in accumulates bindings.

Eg given:

(let [x [1 2 3]]
  (accumulate [x "" _ v (ipairs x)]
    (.. x v)))

We get the lua

local x = {1, 2, 3}
local x0 = ""
for _, v in ipairs(x0) do -- calls ipairs("")
  x0 = (x0 .. v)
return x0

Instead of (?)

local x = {1, 2, 3}
local x0 = ""
for _, v in ipairs(x) do -- calls ipairs({1,2,3})
  x0 = (x0 .. v)
return x0

#149 Test suite is unhygienic 1 year, 11 months ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~technomancy/fennel

The test suite seems to depend on state from previous tests to pass sometimes.

Run against 85449ab (1.3.0-dev), lua 5.4.2


  • make test -> all passing
  • Disable all suites in test/init.lua aside from failures
  • make test -> fails to run
  • Re-enable core (so core + failures)
  • make test -> all passing

Or a tighter focus:

  • Disable all suites but core && failures in test/init.lua.
  • Disable all tests in those suites except test/core#test-nest && test/failures#test-suggestions
  • make test -> 2/2 tests passing
  • Disable test/core#test-nest
  • make test -> test fails


The compiler plugin used in failures#test-macro-traces would be retained in subsequent tests until one of the repl tests seemed to unintentionally remove it, see https://github.com/bakpakin/Fennel/pull/427#issuecomment-1138286136

(The compiler plugin test currently includes a work-around via an internal guard to only intentionally fail once.)

#145 Can't use $... in nested hashfn 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~technomancy/fennel

#(do #(values $...))
Compile error: use $... in hashfn

Non vargs are ok:

#(do #(values $1))
local function _1_()
  local function _2_(_2410)
    return _2410
  return _2_
return _1_

#144 Macro wont output/expand expressions in seq without preceeding expression 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~rktjmp on ~technomancy/fennel

(macro wont-output-body []
  ;; let also fails to output
  (local body [`(do (+ 1 1) (values 1))
               `(do (+ 2 2) (values 2))])
  `(fn []
     (values :val)))

(macro will-output-body []
  (local body [`(do (+ 1 1) (values 1))
               `(do (+ 2 2) (values 2))])
  `(fn []
     nil ;; can be any expression
     ;; (do ,body) also works
     (values :val)))

(comment the following WONT output body statements)

(comment the following WILL output body statements)

(macro just-body []
  (local body [`(do (+ 1 1) (values 1))
               `(do (+ 2 2) (values 2))])

(comment otherwise this normally works)
--[[ the following WONT output body statements ]]
local function _1_()
  return "val"
--[[ the following WILL output body statements ]]
local function _2_()
  local _3_
    do local _ = (1 + 1) end
    _3_ = 1
  local function _4_()
    do local _ = (2 + 2) end
    return 2
  do local _ = {_3_, _4_()} end
  return "val"
--[[ otherwise this normally works ]]
local _5_
  do local _ = (1 + 1) end
  _5_ = 1
local function _6_(...)
  do local _ = (2 + 2) end
  return 2
return {_5_, _6_(...)}