




Last active 6 years ago

#18 The Wayland connection broke 3 years ago

Comment by ~rx14 on ~scoopta/wlrobs

The triggering sequence, for me, is to stream on OBS while the OBS window is hidden, for example in an unfocussed workspace, or a tabbed view with another tab selected. Occasionally, after a few hours, when you switch back to OBS, it will crash. It's hard to reproduce because it's not consistent and only happens after a few hours or so.

#18 The Wayland connection broke 3 years ago

Comment by ~rx14 on ~scoopta/wlrobs

I still don't know if this is OBS or wlrobs, but the crash still exists and is reproduced by multiple people.

#18 The Wayland connection broke 4 years ago

Comment by ~rx14 on ~scoopta/wlrobs

I have this problem, and a few others too (see https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/pull/2484#issuecomment-681643919)

I've been unable to determine if it's a bug in the EGL fork's code or the wlrobs code.

#125 Unable to upload PGP key 5 years ago

Comment by ~rx14 on ~sircmpwn/meta.sr.ht

key = pgpy.PGPKey.from_blob(keytext)[0]
msg = pgpy.PGPMessage.new("foooo")

# To get the backtrace for the failure on meta.sr.ht

Then you can see the commands I used above.

#125 Unable to upload PGP key 5 years ago

Comment by ~rx14 on ~sircmpwn/meta.sr.ht

My issue is a pgpy bug, since my first UID is revoked, pgpy thinks neither uid is primary.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pgpy/decorators.py", line 129, in _action
    return action(_key, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pgpy/pgp.py", line 2185, in encrypt
    cipher_algo = prefs.pop('cipher', uid.selfsig.cipherprefs[0])
IndexError: list index out of range
>>> key.userids[1].is_primary
>>> key.userids[0].is_primary
>>> key.userids[0].selfsig
<PGPSignature [CertRevocation] object at 0x7f852cdb5550>
>>> key.userids[1].selfsig
<PGPSignature [Positive_Cert] object at 0x7f852cdb5bb0>
>>> key.userids[0].selfsig.cipherprefs
>>> key.userids[1].selfsig.cipherprefs
[<SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES256: 9>, <SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES192: 8>, <SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES128: 7>]

#125 Unable to upload PGP key 5 years ago

Comment by ~rx14 on ~sircmpwn/meta.sr.ht

I'm also having this issue, with this key: https://keybase.io/rx14/pgp_keys.asc

The only unusual part of my keys, is that the first UID has been revoked, and replaced (name change)

#120 Support multiple email aliases 5 years ago

Ticket created by ~rx14 on ~sircmpwn/meta.sr.ht

I have changed my email recently, and would like commits and mails from the old address to click through to my account even when registered to the new address.

This could be accomplished by allowing registering email aliases to an account, with the main account email being your current one.

The implementation should update the profile page to show a "primary" email address, with a link to "manage alternates". The second page should have a UI for adding new email addresses (or removing them) and selecting which is your primary address.

Adding a new alternate email address shouldn't kick in properly until you've answered a confirmation email.

Rules around global uniqueness of each email address still apply.

Further changes will be necessary to update the API with your alternate email addresses (both Python & GraphQL unless GQL webhooks are done in time), then updating downstream services to (1) store the alternates and (2) take them into account where appropriate to map email addresses to users.

#63 Add moderated lists 6 years ago

Ticket created by ~rx14 on ~sircmpwn/lists.sr.ht

When an email address sends to the list for the first time, have an option for the email to be held and a copy sent to the mailing list administrators to allow them to review if the email is spam, and either OK the message and any future contributions to the list, or not if the message is spam.

#8 First line of large code blocks are misaligned 6 years ago

Ticket created by ~rx14 on ~sircmpwn/man.sr.ht

#1 test 6 years ago

Comment by ~rx14 on ~rx14/testing

text tex

code code

text text