Icons don't show up

Hi, I'm using wofi on Sway + Arch Linux and no icons are showing up when I run wofi --show run --allow-images. I have multiple icon sets in /usr/share/icons but I'm starting to wonder if that's what wofi uses. How am I supposed to set this up? Thanks.

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3 years ago
3 years ago
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~cloudninja 3 years ago

Icons won't show up on run mode, there's no information on what icon to use for what binaries. You'll need to use drun or build your own run script using dmenu mode with some of the more advanced options with wofi.

For example, you can use the format


to put an image next to the the text "image.png" in wofi, using dmenu mode.

~scoopta REPORTED INVALID 3 years ago*

As ~cloudninja pointed out executables do not contain any icon information, icons for applications are provided by their corresponding desktop files. Desktop files can be shown in wofi through the use of drun mode, --show drun, which will show icons if --allow-images is specified however run will never show icons.

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