Next release?

Hello, when do you plan the next release? I am looking forward for custom-key functionality in official release. I am the maintainer of wofi-pass and would like to extend it with some functionality based on custom-key.

Thx for the work!

Regards, Andreas

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~scoopta 10 months ago

🤔 so here's the thing. Officially wofi is unmaintained. Unofficially it's in limbo land where I work on it when I have time and energy to but I don't feel like it's often enough to give people expectations which is why it's officially unmaintained despite the fact that I still work on it from time to time and I still daily drive it(ensuring it won't ever actually get abandoned). Tbh there wasn't really another release planned but I also enjoy the fact that there is still a small(and I think shrinking) community of wofi users. I could probably ship 1.4 as is, I just need to put together a change log to publish on the mailing list. Hopefully distros pick it up. I probably should change the status but "officially in limbo" is a weird status lol. Thanks for contributing to the wofi community, I will try to get 1.4 out some time in the next week.

~schmidtandreas 10 months ago

I can completely understand your position. I'm very glad that you're continuing to maintain the project. I think you're doing a great job, the response time and quality are great, even with merged requests. I would be very happy about a 1.4 with the content as it is. Thank you very much for considering it!

~somini 9 months ago

Hi ~scoopta, I'm also waiting eagerly for the release that fixes #184, so I went through the commits since v1.4, here's a preliminary changelog:

New Features:


  • Reorder default terminal search list

New Options:

  • drun: disable_prime: Ignore PrefersNonDefaultGPU
  • drun: print_desktop_file: Print filename, instead of invoking it
  • pre_display_exec


~scoopta 9 months ago

Wow...thanks for this. I'm working on compiling the changelog right now and will have all of this committed today

~scoopta 9 months ago

Additionally I updated the banner to "This project is not being actively maintained. It does still receive some updates from time to time but nothing frequent." Which is more in line with where development actually is.

~somini 9 months ago

Thank you very much.


Flagged the Arch package, should be picked up soon, hopefully.

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