[BUG] Blender Failing to launch through wofi

on arch wofi v1.4.1 blender and wofi both installed through pacman blender works fine through terminal and gtk-launch of the .desktop file journalctl shows that blender core dumps but didnt seem to have any useful info

Process 3904 (blender) of user 1000 dumped core.

                                               Module libintlc.so.5
without build-id.
                                               Module libimf.so
without build-id.
                                               Module libsvml.so
without build-id.
                                               Module libsycl.so.6
without build-id.
libcycles_kernel_oneapi_aot.so without build-id.
                                               Stack trace of thread 3904:
                                               #0  0x0000719ce1afc630
n/a (libnvidia-glcore.so.550.76 + 0xcfc630)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/1" title="~scoopta/wofi#1: wofi issues">#1</a>  0x0000719ce1b0e637
n/a (libnvidia-glcore.so.550.76 + 0xd0e637)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/2" title="~scoopta/wofi#2: drun mode is limited to launch only executable, not cmd">#2</a>  0x0000719ce1b49699
n/a (libnvidia-glcore.so.550.76 + 0xd49699)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/3" title="~scoopta/wofi#3: Search input style">#3</a>  0x0000719d11171ce0
n/a (libGLX_nvidia.so.0 + 0x9cce0)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/4" title="~scoopta/wofi#4: Launching terminal based programs">#4</a>  0x0000719d1549c66a
n/a (libvulkan.so.1 + 0x3b66a)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/5" title="~scoopta/wofi#5: Option to disable caching">#5</a>  0x0000719ce59ea2f7
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x9ea2f7)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/6" title="~scoopta/wofi#6: Option -n doesn&#39;t fully work">#6</a>  0x0000719ce6466dc1
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x1466dc1)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/7" title="~scoopta/wofi#7: Tab not working as expected">#7</a>  0x0000719ce59df0f9
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x9df0f9)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/8" title="~scoopta/wofi#8: Cannot select an item with keyboard">#8</a>  0x0000719ce5055268
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x55268)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/9" title="~scoopta/wofi#9: One application is shown twice in drun mode">#9</a>  0x0000719ce503a444
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x3a444)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/10" title="~scoopta/wofi#10: Password mode">#10</a> 0x0000719ce511c44e
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x11c44e)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/11" title="~scoopta/wofi#11: GIMP issues">#11</a> 0x0000719ce511ddaa
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x11ddaa)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/12" title="~scoopta/wofi#12: Style through CLI is different from style through Config">#12</a> 0x0000719ce504af16
n/a (zink_dri.so + 0x4af16)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/13" title="~scoopta/wofi#13: Option for combi mode">#13</a> 0x0000719d12ea851c
n/a (libEGL_mesa.so.0 + 0x1851c)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/14" title="~scoopta/wofi#14: drun not finding some apps">#14</a> 0x0000719d12e9e2bc
n/a (libEGL_mesa.so.0 + 0xe2bc)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/15" title="~scoopta/wofi#15: Commit Cargo.lock">#15</a> 0x0000719d4becbd86
n/a (libEGL.so.1 + 0x4d86)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/16" title="~scoopta/wofi#16: Automatically select item when it&#39;s the only one possible">#16</a> 0x0000719d4becbee3
n/a (libEGL.so.1 + 0x4ee3)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/17" title="~scoopta/wofi#17: RPi3 build errors">#17</a> 0x000059fad39f517b
n/a (blender + 0x3c5717b)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/18" title="~scoopta/wofi#18: Core dumped when calling &#34;wofi --show wofi&#34;">#18</a> 0x000059fad39f3b16
n/a (blender + 0x3c55b16)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/19" title="~scoopta/wofi#19: Document modes">#19</a> 0x000059fad39cff2d
n/a (blender + 0x3c31f2d)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/20" title="~scoopta/wofi#20: Segfault trying to launch wofi">#20</a> 0x000059fad39f17e1
n/a (blender + 0x3c537e1)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/21" title="~scoopta/wofi#21: Support for application actions in drun mode">#21</a> 0x000059fad39ee402
n/a (blender + 0x3c50402)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/22" title="~scoopta/wofi#22: Tab/Keyboard navigation">#22</a> 0x000059fad39c8ee8
n/a (blender + 0x3c2aee8)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/23" title="~scoopta/wofi#23: Icon not shown">#23</a> 0x000059fad1f9629f
n/a (blender + 0x21f829f)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/24" title="~scoopta/wofi#24: can&#39;t open specific files in mpv from wofi">#24</a> 0x000059fad1f96505
n/a (blender + 0x21f8505)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/25" title="~scoopta/wofi#25: Icons in dmenu mode">#25</a> 0x000059fad1f538bb
n/a (blender + 0x21b58bb)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/26" title="~scoopta/wofi#26: [feature request] Use levenshtein for fuzzy filterning">#26</a> 0x000059fad1f6d788
n/a (blender + 0x21cf788)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/27" title="~scoopta/wofi#27: Implement per-mode config options">#27</a> 0x000059fad1f74c2f
n/a (blender + 0x21d6c2f)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/28" title="~scoopta/wofi#28: segfault on run, drun and dmenu mode">#28</a> 0x000059fad14f2a09
n/a (blender + 0x1754a09)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/29" title="~scoopta/wofi#29: Don&#39;t display hidden applications">#29</a> 0x0000719d35c43cd0
n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x25cd0)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/30" title="~scoopta/wofi#30: Allow passing arguments">#30</a> 0x0000719d35c43d8a
__libc_start_main (libc.so.6 + 0x25d8a)
                                               <a href="/~scoopta/wofi/31" title="~scoopta/wofi#31: Wofi: ignore case option">#31</a> 0x000059fad14f25f5
n/a (blender + 0x17545f5)
Assigned to
8 months ago
5 months ago
No labels applied.

~scoopta 8 months ago

Can you try to run wofi with -Ddrun-disable_prime=true and see if the issue still persists?

~mwoop 7 months ago*

Yes, it works with -Ddrun-disable_prime=true

~mwoop 7 months ago*

What does this flag do BTW ?

Mikhail Terekhin 7 months ago · edit

Does the .desktop file have a prefersNonDefaultGPU key? If it does, try commenting it out, I've had a similar issue with Steam on openSUSE and that seemed to fix it. Still trying to figure out why though.

Mikhail Terekhin 7 months ago · edit

It seems that setting disable_prime=true also resolves the prefersNonDefaultGPU issue. I am not sure how this is causing any issues since I am not using a laptop with a default iGPU (although I do have an un-used APU).

~scoopta 5 months ago

disable_prime=true causes wofi to ignore prefersNonDefaultGPU, if disable_prime is not set then wofi will abide by prefersNonDefaultGPU which translates to setting the DRI_PRIME=1 environment variable if prefersNonDefaultGPU=True. I'm actually not entirely sure on the semantics of DRI_PRIME=1 as that's handled by the GPU driver, wofi just sets it based on the desktop file. I will do a bit of digging to see if this is actually a wofi bug?

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