The following kind of desktop entry fails to parse correctly:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=scribus %f
with the error message:
err: Value of key 'Type' must be Application, Link or Directory, but is 'QString'
err: Invalid key: Value
Wofi is apparently falling through to the X-Property group, still trying to parse the keys. Maybe, it should restrict itself to the "Desktop Entry" group?
What distro are you on, what version of that distro, and what version of GLib is installed? Wofi doesn't parse desktop files but rather uses GIO from GLib to do so. On my system I have libglib 2.82.2 and I cannot reproduce this issue.
Wofi etc. is coming from nixpkgs 24.11 which is using libglib 2.82.1. The basic operating system is a Ubuntu 24.05. The offending desktop entry from Scribus is likewise coming from nixpkgs and I shortened it as it contained a lot of localization. Maybe I've changed the outcome by doing that.
Hmmm, I'll do some more investigation as I doubt the change from glib 2.82.1 to 2.82.2 is to blame? Maybe, I didn't try to install the offending package, I just hand crafted a desktop file using the one you provided as a basis and it didn't happen. Unfortunately nix is black magic to me so I'm not sure I can deploy on nix but maybe I can figure out what's happening all the same
This is the offending
file:[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Scribus Name[ar]=سكريبس Name[fa]=اسکریباس Name[lo]=ສະຄຣີບັດສ໌ Name[ru]=Scribus Name[ta]=ஸ்கிரிபஸ் Comment=Page Layout and Publication Comment[ar]=سكريبس Comment[fa]=اسکریباس Comment[ta]=ஸ்கிரிபஸ் Comment[af]=Werkskerm Publisering Comment[bg]=Издателска програма Comment[bs]=Stono izdavaštvo (DTP) Comment[ca]=Publicació d'escriptori Comment[cs]=Publikační systém (DTP) Comment[cy]=Cyhoeddi Penbwrdd Comment[da]=Dtp Comment[de]=Desktop-Publishing Comment[eo]=DTP-programo Comment[es]=Publicación de escritorio Comment[et]=Küljendusrakendus Comment[fi]=Julkaisuohjelma Comment[fr]=Publication assistée par ordinateur (PAO) Comment[he]=הוצאה לאור שולחנית Comment[hr]=Stolno izdavaštvo Comment[hu]=Kiadványszerkesztés Comment[it]=Pubblicazioni Comment[ja]=デスクトップパブリッシング Comment[lo]=ເດດທອບພັລບບີດຊິງ Comment[lt]=Darbastalio leidykla Comment[nb]=Datatrykkeprogram Comment[nn]=Datatrykk Comment[nso]=Kwalakwatso ya Desktop Comment[pl]=Program do składu tekstu Comment[pt]=Publicação no Ecrã Comment[pt_BR]=Publicação do Ambiente de Trabalho Comment[ru]=Настольное издательство Comment[sl]=Namizno založništvo Comment[sr]=Стоно издаваштво Comment[ss]=Kushicelela ku desktop Comment[sv]=Desktop Publishing Comment[th]=เดสก์ทอปพับลิชชิง Comment[tr]=Masaüstü Yayıncılık Comment[uk]=Видавнича система Comment[uz]=Кичик нашриёт Comment[ven]=U andadza Desikithopo Comment[xh]=Upapasho lwe Desktop Comment[zh_CN]=桌面出版 Comment[zh_TW]=桌面出版 Comment[zu]=Ukushicilelwa kwe-Desktop GenericName=Page Layout (Development) GenericName[af]=Werkskerm Publisering GenericName[bg]=Издателска програма GenericName[bs]=Stono izdavaštvo (DTP) GenericName[ca]=Publicació d'escriptori GenericName[cs]=Publikační systém (DTP) GenericName[cy]=Cyhoeddi Penbwrdd GenericName[da]=Dtp GenericName[de]=Desktop-Publishing GenericName[eo]=DTP-programo GenericName[es]=Publicación de escritorio GenericName[et]=Küljendusrakendus GenericName[fa]=نشر میزکار GenericName[fi]=Julkaisuohjelma GenericName[fr]=Publication assistée par ordinateur (PAO) GenericName[he]=הוצאה לאור שולחנית GenericName[hr]=Stolno izdavaštvo GenericName[hu]=Kiadványszerkesztés GenericName[it]=Pubblicazioni GenericName[ja]=デスクトップパブリッシング GenericName[lo]=ເດດທອບພັລບບີດຊິງ GenericName[lt]=Darbastalio leidykla GenericName[nb]=Datatrykkeprogram GenericName[nn]=Datatrykk GenericName[nso]=Kwalakwatso ya Desktop GenericName[pl]=Program do składu tekstu GenericName[pt]=Edição Electrónica GenericName[pt_BR]=Editoração eletrônica GenericName[ru]=Настольная издательская система GenericName[sl]=Namizno založništvo GenericName[sr]=Стоно издаваштво GenericName[ss]=Kushicelela ku desktop GenericName[sv]=Desktop Publishing GenericName[th]=เดสก์ทอปพับลิชชิง GenericName[tr]=Masaüstü Yayıncılık GenericName[tt]=Өстәл нәшрияты GenericName[uk]=Видавнича система GenericName[uz]=Кичик нашриёт GenericName[ven]=U andadza Desikithopo GenericName[xh]=Upapasho lwe Desktop GenericName[zh_CN]=桌面出版 GenericName[zh_TW]=桌面出版 GenericName[zu]=Ukushicilelwa kwe-Desktop TryExec=scribus Exec=scribus %f Icon=scribus Terminal=false MimeType=application/vnd.scribus; Categories=Qt;Graphics;Publishing; StartupWMClass=scribus DocPath=scribus StartupNotify=false X-AppInstall-Package=scribus X-AppInstall-Section=main X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username= [X-Property::X-KDE-NativeExtension] Type=QString Value=.sla