The Netherlands
I write code.
Comment by ~sircmpwn on ~sircmpwn/hare
An example of the subject/verb/object ordering issue is hare::module:: and the build driver using the style finish_* and free_*, whereas most other modules use *_finish and *_free.
FWIW the build driver is wrong here, it should be *_finish.
We should normalize (and document in the style guide) using "finish" for freeing resources in values, and "free" for freeing pointers and slices
bufio:: has both init and newscanner, so even within the same module there's inconsistency in initialization functions. Also, as noted in the original ticket, there's encoding::utf8::decode vs base64::newdecoder.
This is not necessarily a problem per-se, if one feature of a module is its "flagship" or so then it's fine for it to use an abbreviated form while the ancillary features have longer names.
We copy the names of C functions in some places, but most of the time the function does something different than the C function with the same name, so copying the name is misleading:
Also FWIW copying C names in order to hint at what something does by leaning on the user's prior knowledge of C (if applicable) is a good idea imo, even if the functions differ slightly. See fnmatch, os::chmod, etc.
On the topic of strerror: its name doesn't match the current convention for other similar functions
It does: it strings an error. str is a verb.
Ticket created by ~sircmpwn on ~rjarry/aerc
If the user mistypes their password or cancels the agent operation then aerc will send an empty email before bouncing back to the review screen for another attempt. It shouldn't do that.
Ticket created by ~sircmpwn on ~sircmpwn/betamine
TrueCraft's assets are libre but I don't especially dig the vibe
Comment by ~sircmpwn on ~sircmpwn/betamine
Chunk scheduler was removed in favor of letting the server manage chunks
RESOLVED WONT_FIXComment by ~sircmpwn on ~sircmpwn/
RESOLVED NOT_OUR_BUGComment by ~sircmpwn on ~sircmpwn/
Send your question to the mailing list. This bug tracker is not for end-user support.
RESOLVED INVALIDTicket created by ~sircmpwn on ~sircmpwn/betamine
It can probably just be O(n)
Ticket created by ~sircmpwn on ~sircmpwn/betamine
- ✓ Make chunk frustrum AABBs smaller by limiting them to the height of the chunk
- Split chunks into 16x16x16 blocks to (1) speed up tesselation and (2) improve frustrum culling
- Reduce size of vertex attributes and offload more logic to shaders
- Move tesselation off of the main thread