sha256 object format not supported

If I create a sha256 repository using git init --object-format=sha256, I get the error fatal: protocol error: unexpected capabilities^{} when trying to push.

Rationale: the use case requires the repo to be tamper-proof. Using sha256 is easier than explaining the difference between a collision and a pre-image attack.

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2 years ago
11 days ago
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~mcepl 11 days ago

Is there some hope for this ticket? We are now switching with openSUSE to git-based management of packages and given the long-term nature of distro packaging we will be keeping everything in sha256 repos (and gitea). It would be lovely if I could use Sourcehut for the collaboration on some of these repos.

~sircmpwn 11 days ago

We're mostly blocked on support from go-git for this:


~mcepl 11 days ago

We're mostly blocked on support from go-git for this:


Sad, I have discussed this with our people and apparently we are able to have working Gitea only with running git subprocesses, which may be not possible for Sourcehut.

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