Users who push to repos they have been granted access to do not trigger build submissions

At least I think that's what's going on here:

hooks/post-update 2022/02/18 13:35:46 [hooks/post-update refs/heads/main]
hooks/post-update 2022/02/18 13:35:46 Running post-update for push ad1dcce8-e9ab-48fe-b281-7dc9d0ebde1d
hooks/post-update 2022/02/18 13:35:46 Error updating repository: input: updateRepository No repository by ID 63793 found for this user
hooks/post-update 2022/02/18 13:35:46 Failed to fetch info from database: Failed to update repository: No repository by ID 63793 found for this user
Assigned to
2 years ago
2 years ago
No labels applied.

~adnano 2 years ago

It seems like this happens because the updateRepository mutation will only let you update repositories that you own? Should we expand it to let you update repositories that you have access to as well?


~adnano 2 years ago

Alternatively we can simply use the owner's username instead of the pusher's username in the post-update hook.

~etalab 2 years ago

Thanks for taking care of this issue. Note that builds stopped working for repos where they used to work: I'm the owner and main pusher for these repos, where commits are made by me (aka bastien.guerry@data.gouv.fr).

For example, I just pushed this commit but it didn't trigger any update of the modified wiki page.

The remote debug id after git push -o debug for this particular commit is 0ba63421-9891-484f-8493-d1349738e320.

~sircmpwn REPORTED FIXED 2 years ago

Adnan Maolood referenced this ticket in commit 26f3346.

~sircmpwn 2 years ago

Adnan Maolood referenced this ticket in commit 26f3346.

~sircmpwn 2 years ago

Adnan Maolood referenced this ticket in commit 26f3346.

~sircmpwn 2 years ago

Adnan Maolood referenced this ticket in commit 26f3346.

~etalab 2 years ago

I confirm the fix, thanks.

~sircmpwn 2 years ago

Sweet. Thanks!

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