Bug: patchset not appearing in "Patches" view

This patchset appears in the Archive section of this mailing list, but not the Patches section. I can't see any structural problems with the patchset, and the lists.sr.ht CI integration did run a build for it, so it's at least partially-recognized as a patchset.

I suspect that there's a bug here, but I don't know how to help find it.

I tried resending the patches, and I got the same result. They show in the archive, but not the patches view.

Assigned to
3 years ago
2 years ago
No labels applied.

~whereswaldon 3 years ago

I sent using the srht web UI, and it worked fine: https://lists.sr.ht/~gioverse/chat/patches/24911

The only easily visible difference is that srht doesn't set v1 for the first revision of a patchset.

~motiejus 2 years ago

Additional/recent data point: here is a report I sent recently to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss@lists.sr.ht

UI-generated patchset1 did not end up in patches2 and, consequently, did not trigger a CI run.

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