add dark mode

Given that the prefers-color-scheme media query is now supported in all well-known browsing engines, I think that this feature could be implemented now as discussed in the sr.ht-discuss list: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss/%3C20190208130523.tb5gtfp2j2p75wh2%40gabriel%3E

Assigned to
4 years ago
2 years ago
No labels applied.

~garritfra 4 years ago

:root {
  filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);

does not seem to work here out of the box, because there's an artificial white color on the body. Should be somewhat easy to fix though.

~garritfra 4 years ago*

Ignore me, this is a duplicated comment

~yerinalexey 4 years ago

Yes, it could be implemented but not as a high priority task. Sourcehut right now is focusing on the functionality and not UI.

If you want a dark theme, you can try my UserCSS: https://sr.ht/~yerinalexey/dark.sr.ht

~jman 4 years ago

~yerinalexey writes:

Yes, it could be implemented but not as a high priority task. Sourcehut right now is focusing on the functionality and not UI.

If you want a dark theme, you can try my UserCSS: https://sr.ht/~yerinalexey/dark.sr.ht

I can also suggest using this browser extension, which in my experience works fine on websites not yet supporting it natively:



~sircmpwn REPORTED FIXED 3 years ago

~jman 3 years ago

thank you :-)

~pvinis 2 years ago

was this fixed or just closed?

~sircmpwn 2 years ago

We have a dark mode now. You must enable prefers-color-scheme: dark in your browser settings.

~pvinis 2 years ago

oh snap, nice, thank you!

(I kinda thought there would be a link to a PR or something, so without it I thought it was not added.)

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