I have heavily used both Markdown and Org mode. And I have grown to prefer Org mode over the other because of better (subjective, of course) syntax, etc.
Org mode is supported by Pandoc and even the rendered on GitHub/Gitlab.
Is this something you would consider supporting?
Given that this is on the todo.sr.ht bug tracker, are you asking to be able to compose tickets and ticket comments in org mode? If so, absolutely not. On git.sr.ht, however, perhaps. You should move this bug there if so.
Sorry, I was actually looking for the bug tracker for https://man.sr.ht/, but couldn't find it.
.. so that I can write my repo manuals/wikis in Org mode. In which tracker should I put that request?
Thank you. I got confused by the URL structure (given that base URL is also todo.sr.ht). I got the structure now.
Re-posted at https://todo.sr.ht/%7Esircmpwn/man.sr.ht/13 [mentioning it here to just close the loop].