List of tickets created by or assigned to me

It would be nice to have a consolidated list of all the tickets the logged in user created across all trackers. Same for tickets assigned to the logged in user.

These lists should be filterable and sortable (are these real words?), like the tickets list of a single tracker. They could also be made public so that anyone can find the list of public tickets created by or assigned to any user.

Going in this direction, having a way to search across all the trackers may be an interesting idea.

Assigned to
4 years ago
3 years ago
No labels applied.

~alextee closed duplicate ticket #237 4 years ago

~devdanzin 4 years ago*

I'm not smart enough to get git send-email working, so here's what it was trying to send. Sorry about breaking etiquette, won't do it again.

Edit: Turns out I even commented on the wrong ticket. Moving usable comment to #219.

~sircmpwn 4 years ago

On Thu Dec 24, 2020 at 9:50 PM EST, ~devdanzin wrote:

I'm not smart enough to get git send-email working, so here's what it was trying to send. Sorry about breaking etiquette, won't do it again.

Yes, you are:


Do not send patches to bug trackers.

~devdanzin referenced this from #219 4 years ago

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