Microsoft's FTP servers (and maybe others) have a feature called virtual directories where the user doesn't see all the contents of certain directories, most of all the root directoriy. The concept is a bit similar to "hidden files" starting with a dot, but doesn't depend on the names of directory items.
Some hosting providers, for example provide user
accounts where the user doesn't see the path of their login directory
from the root directory. For example, a user might get logged into
although no entry home
is visible in the root directory /
and maybe also no me
if the client looks at the /home
A user ran into a problem with makedirs
(see ticket
because of virtual directories which was the starting point for this
I'd like to find out what other functionality of ftputil might be
affected if an FTPHost
instance works on a server with virtual
directories. Depending on the kind of limitations, I might be able to
change ftputil to provide better support for accounts using virtual
Note: Since I personally do not have access to an account with virtual directories, I depend on information from users who make some experiments on "their" servers that have that feature. Also, it would be very helpful if users could test ftputil patches for better virtual directory support.