Comment by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/git-dot
Damien Tardy-Panis referenced this ticket in commit eecbe02.
RESOLVED IMPLEMENTEDTicket created by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/git-dot
Useful to show what a range means
Ticket created by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/git-dot
Pass usual gitrevisions range as positional argument
Default to --all or HEAD?
Ticket created by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/git-dot
Remove from "extras" in once added
Ticket created by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/git-dot
- server name
- branches
- HEAD (not sure if useful?)
Remove from "extras" in once added
missing wayland feature added by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/wend
Comment by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/wend
It seems there is currently no function or protocol in Wayland to allow a XDG window to start on a specific output.
In Sway, we can define a config such as the following if we want to always display it on a specific output at start
for_window [app_id="wend"] move output HDMI-A-2
RESOLVED WONT_FIXTicket created by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/wend
For presentations that do not need notes or clock, and are launched outside a terminal, we do not want to output anything (to the journal or other system log).
Ticket created by ~tardypad on ~tardypad/wend
Sometimes for a presentation, we display the first step, with the title or such, while waiting for people to join. We then do not want to start the clock directly, it should start when the next action is taken (which is the actual start of the timed presentation) Add an option to make it behave this way. Or should it be the default behavior and the option changes it?