


tryin' to catch the last train out of Omelas



Last active 3 days ago

#247 Accessing the AST of the current macro and its uses (`assert-compile`) 17 days ago

enhancement added by ~technomancy on ~technomancy/fennel

#232 precompile macros when loading compiler 17 days ago

Comment by ~technomancy on ~technomancy/fennel

This is on main now!


#243 fennel.view fails on math.maxinteger 17 days ago

Comment by ~technomancy on ~technomancy/fennel

Yeah, this seems to work now.


#249 macro hygiene: generated symbols can be referenced 17 days ago

Comment by ~technomancy on ~technomancy/fennel

I haven't thought this thru all the way, but I think the only way to prevent this is to make it so that foo# does not expand to foo_2_auto until right before it's emitted as Lua. However, this may cause backwards-incompatibility issues with existing macros.

#248 sourcemaps 20 days ago

enhancement added by ~technomancy on ~technomancy/fennel

#248 sourcemaps 20 days ago

Ticket created by ~technomancy on ~technomancy/fennel

In order to get tracebacks that work with AOT, we need to be able to dump sourcemaps and use them again later. Putting them in a separate file is the obvious solution but that is not useful when compiling single-file executables. In addition, if the standalone executable does not contain the fennel module itself, there's no way to run fennel.traceback.

One potential solution is to extract fennel.traceback similarly to fennel.view and allow it to be included as a standalone module without bringing the entire compiler along with it.

This module could also be used as a storage location for sourcemap data. TODO: how does this actually get emitted in the Lua output in a way it can be used? Putting it at the start throws off the line numbers; putting it at he end means it won't be visible until after the code has run.

#39 Break when print a month ago

Comment by ~technomancy on ~xerool/fennel-ls

I've used the hack of just disabling it thru globals; printing during macros now has no effect.


#36 eglot newline incompatibility on Windows a month ago

bug added by ~technomancy on ~xerool/fennel-ls

#29 Malformed Carriage R̀²eturns in trans-compiled lua source code of the plugin a month ago

Comment by ~technomancy on ~xerool/fennel-ls


#34 json-rpc/read-header cuts reading the header value too much a month ago

Comment by ~technomancy on ~xerool/fennel-ls

It looks like this has been fixed? lmk if we need to reopen.