Bergen, Norway
Comment by ~timharek on ~timharek/migadu
Tim Hårek Andreassen referenced this ticket in commit 5f08411.
RESOLVED IMPLEMENTEDComment by ~timharek on ~timharek/yr
Tim Hårek Andreassen referenced this ticket in commit 858b336.
RESOLVED FIXEDComment by ~timharek on ~timharek/yr
Thank you for reporting this, I have a fix coming asap!
Comment by ~timharek on ~timharek/migadu
Tim Hårek Andreassen referenced this ticket in commit d0abd22.
RESOLVED IMPLEMENTEDTicket created by ~timharek on ~timharek/migadu
References #1.
Environment variables should be fallback unless user/email and token is provided.
Ticket created by ~timharek on ~timharek/migadu
Shouldn't only rely on environment variables. It should be easy to use and extend. The same goes for when initiating a new migadu client.