
Ljubljana, Slovenia

#771 harec assertion fail: enum int with bitshift as initializer 17 days ago

Comment by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

Does prohibiting signed rvalues really make sense? Passing in anything outside 0-63 is UB anyway. It might make sense to prohibit them if we defined shifts to just use the lower 6/5/4/3 bits depending on lvalue size. But I'm not entirely sure that's a good idea in itself.

#960 issues with array literal type inference 18 days ago

Comment by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

We could afford to be a bit more permissive here (especially with null), but I don't think it's a big deal to be order dependent. It simplifies the compiler, and allows you to figure out the array's member type just by looking at the first member. We already have a bunch of type deduction systems; it would suck to add yet another one, outside of some simple stuff like with nulls and nullable pointers.

the order-dependence here has always smelled a bit to me, but tbh it's not the worst thing - i'd be ok with shipping hare 1.0 with those array semantics, and i'm not sure it's worth adding substantially more complexity in order to improve this

If it's not a big deal to be order dependent here, why do we bother with type reduction at all? Reordering switch/match or even if cases is actually much more feasible than reordering array elements.

I don't mean that entirely seriously, but I do think the reasoning for avoiding order dependence applies equally here and for branching expresion result calculation. The only difference is that array literals are much less common than branching, but that should not be an excuse for intentionally giving them inferior semantics.

I totally agree this isn't worth much additional complexity, but at the same time, not being able to accomodate this use case indicates that perhaps our other deduction systems need adjustment, which by itself does not imply increase in complexity.

Type reduction has some weird semantics that would make it unsuitable for use here without modification (see #945, and my comment on it):

let x: (*int | nullable *int) = &0;
let a = [x, x];

a's type should be [2](*int | nullable *int), but with type reduction it would be [2]nullable *int.

Yeah I was speaking of some abstract future version of type reduction that is more reasonable than what we currently have.

Honestly, #945 and some other problems with type reduction make me think it's way too elaborate and we should make it simpler and leave complex cases for the user to resolve manually. Perhaps that would make it directly usable here as well.

Related to #952, we should also decide whether we want to allow never expressions: let a = [1, abort()]; (or with flipped order).

Some comments on some of the cases you gave:

let a = [[], [1]: []u8]; // [2][]u8

With the slice assignment RFC, this would become let a = [null, &[1]: []u8];, which makes it easier to make that work.

let a = [[1], [1u8]]; // [2][1]u8

I feel like I remember this intentionally not working (in that order)? Because it would complicate the compiler or something? ~ecs would know more about that, since it involves flexible types.

fyi [1]iconst et al is exactly what i opted to avoid - sticking iconst inside aggregate types, in ways that affect their size, means that lowering iconsts requires updating the aggregates' sizes, which sucks

Okay yeah this one was not very well thought out.

On a tangent, Harec's reliance on fixed sizes during check is quite unreasonable at times. I have a patchset prepared (and some more in preparation) that improves some of that. I'm not really advertising for flexible literals in aggregate types here, just pointing out this particular technical obstacle is (mostly) going away at some point.

let a = [[1u8], [1i]]; // should not be [2]([1]u8 | [1]int)

What about [[1u8], [1i], [1i: (u8 | int)]]?

Probably not? It essentially requires the compiler to "see through" the array literal. And that very quickly leads to intractable stuff. We actually do already have something kind of similar in tuple literal type inference, and it feels very out of place.

[[1u8], [1i], [1i]: ([1]u8 | [1]int] on the other hand should be fine.

let a = [[1,2,3], [1,2]]; // should not be [2]([2]int | [3]int)

Speaking of the slice assignability RFC: should [&[1, 2, 3], &[1, 2]] be allowed (with type [2][]int)? How about [[1, 2, 3][..], &[1, 2]]? I don't think those should be allowed, but if the other cases you gave are allowed, then allowing these would make some sense.

I haven't thought about slice assignability RFC hard enough yet to give an informed answer. My guess would be no for [&[1, 2, 3], &[1, 2]] since there is no indication from the user that they want a slice. [[1, 2, 3][..], &[1, 2]] does have an indication. So, maybe that should be fine?

Ooh, what about expandable arrays?

let a = [[0...], [1, 2, 3]]; // [2][3]int ?

That would be desirable, I think. And hopefully not too hard once we get expandable arrays in order.

#959 ensuring $PATH lookup behaves as expected 18 days ago

Comment by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

This is actually one of the bits of POSIX that neither Linux nor *BSD seem to adhere to particularly strictly. They do have a default in case $PATH is undefined, but at least on Musl, it does not match the value of confstr(_CS_PATH).

Why not?

Because it is implemented as one big loop that attempts to execve concatenations of consecutive path components and the executable name, and checking all the potential error conditions of execve without actually calling it would be a lot of work, if it is possible at all.

See NetBSD and Musl implementations (BSDs all do largely the same thing).

#960 issues with array literal type inference 19 days ago

design added by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

#960 issues with array literal type inference 19 days ago

spec added by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

#960 issues with array literal type inference 19 days ago

harec added by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

#960 issues with array literal type inference 19 days ago

Ticket created by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

According to the spec, in absence of a type hint, array literal's members are all supposed to be of the same type, which becomes the member type of the resulting array type. This is probably a little bit too restrictive, especially in presence of flexible literals, null, nullable and non-nullable pointers, and so on.

Harec doesn't really comply with the spec here, and picks the type of the first element in the literal as the member type, and then verifies all the other elements are assignable to that (with some oddities around promote_flexible which I don't fully understand). Type assignability isn't symmetric, so the first member has more weight in determining the type of the literal than the others, and the result is dependent on order of the members, which isn't exactly optimal.

So we should fix Harec to be order independent. There are a couple of options:

  • Keep the behavior mentioned in the spec (which, as mentioned, is quite restrictive)
  • Invent a more relaxed procedure specifically for this purpose. One way that comes to mind is using type assignability bidirectionally with each consecutive pair of elements, and picking the "less restrictive" type as the intermediate result when determining the member type. There are probably corner cases and I'm not even 100% sure this is symmetric, but it's an idea.
  • Reuse some procedure for "unifying" types in an order independent manner from somewhere else in the language: two options come to mind, type promotion, and type reduction. Type promotion is undefined for most aggregate types, so we'd need to expand it significantly for this, which isn't exactly reuse and falls closer to the second point. Type reduction looks like a more promising candidate, but it's a bit too flexible perhaps? I imagine we want [1i, 1u: (uint | int)] and [1i: (uint | int), 1u] to yield [2](int | uint), but [1i, 1u] should probably error out? So perhaps a bit more restricted version of type reduction would be just the right thing?

Second and third options obviously require spec changes too.

Some cases that I'd like to make work (with any order of members):

let x = &3;
let a = [x, null]; // [2]nullable *int
let x = &3;
let y = x: nullable *int;
let a = [x, y]; // [2]nullable *int
let a = [[], [1]: []u8]; // [2][]u8
let a = [[1], [1u8]]; // [2][1]u8
let  a = [1: (str | int), "asdf"];

Some cases that should probably error out:

let a = [[1u8], [1i]]; // should not be [2]([1]u8 | [1]int)
let a = [[1,2,3], [1,2]]; // should not be [2]([2]int | [3]int)
let a = [1, "asdf"]; // should not be [2](int | str)

See #810 for a related issue with array literal type inference when there is a type hint provided.

#959 ensuring $PATH lookup behaves as expected 20 days ago

stdlib added by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

#959 ensuring $PATH lookup behaves as expected 20 days ago

design added by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

#959 ensuring $PATH lookup behaves as expected 20 days ago

Ticket created by ~turminal on ~sircmpwn/hare

We should invest some time into figuring out how closely os::exec::lookup and os::exec::lookup_open should follow POSIX and how much we should do to follow local customs on each platform.

We won't be able to completely match libc's exec*p* behavior in lookup, because of separated lookup and exec stages, so we should also take into account all the potential differences between os::exec::lookup and os::exec::lookup_open that could arise from that.

See also #958.