Boise, ID
Sometimes I do things.
For any of my projects that don't have their own issue tracker, use ~vpzom/misc
Comment by ~vpzom on ~vpzom/misc
actually maybe we don't care about spectators
but bots are now indicated with a different icon
RESOLVED IMPLEMENTEDComment by ~vpzom on ~vpzom/misc
and spectators too
but how should these be rendered?
Ticket created by ~vpzom on ~vpzom/sona
Biggest problem with this is that the IDs get reused, so creating a new deck then causes the deleted content to reappear
Ticket created by ~vpzom on ~vpzom/sona
Depends on #10
Cards that have gotten Again responses repeatedly should be automatically disabled, since they are not being learned and probably need adjustments
In this case, I would expect some sort of notification
Comment by ~vpzom on ~vpzom/sona
Probably want this for individual cards too