Implement signed fetch

Some objects may not be public, so we'll need to fetch them with a signed request

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4 years ago
1 year, 2 months ago
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~vpzom referenced this from #81 4 years ago

~vpzom 4 years ago

If we keep track of which domains have sent signed fetches for a user, we could use that to send their profile updates

~vpzom 2 years ago

This doesn't actually solve the private community issue since the post author's instance can't verify access to the community.

Delaying until we have an actual use case

~vpzom 1 year, 2 months ago

Potentially relevant: https://git.sr.ht/~mariusor/Fediverse-Enhancement-Proposal/tree/master/item/feps/fep-6606.md proposes an extension to allow querying collections, which would allow other servers to check whether a user is a follower of the community.

However, I'm not sure we actually want to reveal the followers of a community, and so far we don't

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