#164 "away" nick color is the same as normal in light color scheme 3 months ago

Ticket created by ~vyivel on ~emersion/gamja

Both are set to var(--gray).

#501 Removal request 8 months ago

Ticket created by ~vyivel on ~amolith/fediring

I'd like to request a removal of eclair.cafe from Fediring.

#501 Removal request 8 months ago

Ticket created by ~vyivel on ~jbauer/fediring

I'd like to request a removal of eclair.cafe from Fediring.

#140 The buffer name is shifted to the right in the buffer details page 1 year, 2 months ago

Ticket created by ~vyivel on ~emersion/goguma

#245 Fediring application 2 years ago

Comment by ~vyivel on ~amolith/fediring

FYI, "random" buttons on your website lead to the next website in a ring, not to a random one.

#245 Fediring application 2 years ago

Comment by ~vyivel on ~jbauer/fediring

FYI, "random" buttons on your website lead to the next website in a ring, not to a random one.

#690 alloc([[]...], 32) does not correctly fill slices with null address 2 years ago

Comment by ~vyivel on ~sircmpwn/hare

The issue is linked here: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hare-json/tree/ba8506a2/item/encoding/json/value.ha#L188

(I believe the correct action there would be to free(*bucket);.

#115 Trying to preview an invalid link crashes Goguma 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~vyivel on ~emersion/goguma

Happens with e.g. "https://".

#114 Add "online" indicator 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~vyivel on ~emersion/goguma

Add an indicator to messages next to the nickname to show if the person in online/offline/away.

#659 driver: `hare build` can overwrite source files 2 years ago

Ticket created by ~vyivel on ~sircmpwn/hare

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a directory called "main.ha".
  2. Create a Hare file "main.ha/main.ha".
  3. In "main.ha/", run hare build.
  4. "main.ha/main.ha" will be overwritten with a created executable.

Go avoids this by checking whether the to-be-overwritten file is an object[1], although this might not work well with +data (#21).

[1] https://github.com/golang/go/blob/ba7f3d98d41f01291dd831e618736b02a79ef27a/src/cmd/go/internal/work/exec.go#L1917