Feature that doesn't index channel but still lists it

This is an idea for a feature that doesn't index a channel but still lists it in the list of channels.

Related to the following patch:


akib's emacs-master channel is no longer maintained so it would be nice to not index it. It would be cool to still list it in the list of channels though.

WDYT, bloat?

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6 days ago
3 days ago

~unwox 3 days ago · edit

It should be possible if we extend the toys-box record type with 'do-not-scan?' field and then check it while iterating over channels list. Not that hard but unfortunately I won't be able to allocate enough time for it in the near future

~whereiseveryone 3 days ago · edit

Ok, thanks for the idea on how to approach implementing it. No worries. I'm pretty busy at the moment as well but I might send a patch when I free up. Hope all is well!

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