
#266 write tcp> write: broken pipe 5 years ago

Comment by ~wildart on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

I'm having the same problem. Server unexpectedly closes the connection and any folder operations result in "broken pipe" message.

Here is an error log:

019/08/10 20:26:24 Fetching UID list
8UAE9A NO [BADCHARSET (US-ASCII)] The specified charset is not supported.
2019/08/10 20:26:24 ->(ui) *types.Error:*types.FetchDirectoryContents
27W9-g IDLE
2019/08/10 20:26:24 (ui)<= *types.Error(332):*types.FetchDirectoryContents(329)
2019/08/10 20:26:24 imap: connection closed
2019/08/10 20:26:24 (ui)=> *types.OpenDirectory
2019/08/10 20:26:24 <-(ui) *types.OpenDirectory(333)
2019/08/10 20:26:24 ->(ui) *types.Error
2019/08/10 20:26:24 Opening Sent Items
2019/08/10 20:26:24 ->(ui) *types.Error:*types.OpenDirectory
2019/08/10 20:26:24 (ui)<= *types.Error(334)
2019/08/10 20:26:24 imap: connection closed
2019/08/10 20:26:24 (ui)<= *types.Error(335):*types.OpenDirectory(333)
2019/08/10 20:26:24 write tcp <my_ip>:58834-><server_ip>:993: write: broken pipe

#263 Add LOGIN authentication method 5 years ago

feature added by ~wildart on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

#263 Add LOGIN authentication method 5 years ago

smtp added by ~wildart on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

#263 Add LOGIN authentication method 5 years ago

Comment by ~wildart on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

I dig more into the problem. smtp.office365.com and some Outlook Exchange SMTP servers only accept LOGIN authentication method which is not implemented yet.

#263 Add LOGIN authentication method 5 years ago

Ticket created by ~wildart on ~sircmpwn/aerc2

I am using aerc 0.2.1. When I try to send message over SMTP with STARTTLS, I get following error:

 conn.Auth: 504 5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type

My account config has smtp-starttls = yes and outgoing = smtp+plain://...... options. I tried with outgoing = smtp://......, but got same result.

I tried another account that uses smtp.office365.com server with SMTP/STARTTLS setting, the result is the same 504 error.