Software Engineer. Mainly working with Rust. Interested in a lot of things but don't talk to me about Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and AI.
Comment by ~witcher on ~witcher/rss-email
This is fixed with a60f9bd921b2b6be0b45d81d723c112aea5d90ca: Entries are now first fetched from the database and, if not found, inserted.
RESOLVED FIXEDComment by ~witcher on ~witcher/rss-email
Thomas Böhler referenced this ticket in commit 517f0f6.
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~witcher on ~witcher/rss-email
Thomas Böhler referenced this ticket in commit 5dff7b9.
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~witcher on ~witcher/rss-email
After now stumlbing upon this exact same issue myself using STARTTLS on port 587 I think I know what the problem is: STARTTLS was never enabled and was never an option in rss-email! I had this planned as a feature in the future because I never needed it but never got around to it until now.
I'll push a commit soon, but I fixed this on my end by introducing a configuration setting and command line flag for using STARTTLS.
This also merits a new release along with the other changes since the last one, so I'll release a new version of this after adjusting some things in the code.
priority:low added by ~witcher on ~witcher/todotxt
priority:medium removed by ~witcher on ~witcher/todotxt
Comment by ~witcher on ~witcher/todotxt
For now, it is assumed that todotxt_parser will handle small inputs that fit into memory, so a
is okay to take.If there are problems with memory usage or complaints by users, parsing with nom using streams needs to be evaluated and possibly implemented:
priority:medium added by ~witcher on ~witcher/todotxt
priority:medium added by ~witcher on ~witcher/todotxt
priority:low added by ~witcher on ~witcher/todotxt