bug added by ~xerool on ~xerool/fennel-ls
Comment by ~xerool on ~xerool/fennel-ls
Good catch! I think I see what's going on here. Lua is weird, in that -2 does actually mean to trim one character, but it turns out that no trimming is necessary on windows systems.
Comment by ~xerool on ~xerool/fennel-ls
No need to submit as a patch; I'll merge it right now.
Expect a bit of code churn before this code makes it to a release: I want to make sure that fennel-ls can also detect the
module on the path at runtime, if the docs aren't built in. My plan is basically to promote the love2d code fromtools/
Comment by ~xerool on ~technomancy/fennel
The second proposal, to pre-declare right amount of vars in the scope of the macro, no longer generates IIFE. I think that's probably the solution we should go for.
Comment by ~xerool on ~xerool/fennel-ls
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~xerool on ~xerool/fennel-ls
RESOLVED CLOSEDComment by ~xerool on ~xerool/fennel-ls
I'm very confused. I don't see any mention of "vim" in state.lua/state.fnl at all. I also cannot reproduce the issue at all.
Comment by ~xerool on ~xerool/fennel-ls
Thank you for the report. I will look into this tomorrow!
Comment by ~xerool on ~technomancy/fennel
print(string.format("%0.f", 141791343654238)) Works correctly on all lua versions, so the inaccuracy is coming from fennel